index=XXX sourcetype=XXX [|inputlookup Edge_Nodes_All.csv where Environment="*" AND host="*" |fields host] |fields cluster, host, user, total_cpu
| join type=inner host [search `gold_mpstat` OR `silver_mpstat` OR `platinum_mpstat` OR `palladium_mpstat` [|inputlookup Edge_Nodes_All.csv where Environment="*" AND host="*" |fields host]
|stats max(eval(id+1)) as cores by host]
|eval pct_CPU = round(total_cpu/cores,2)
|stats max(total_cpu) as total_cpu, max(pct_CPU) as "CPU %" by user,host,cores
|table host user cores total_cpu,"CPU %"
|sort - "CPU %"|head 10
If you can look at the above screenshot, from the second column we have ADS-IDs and service-IDS mostly end up with s,g,p according to our environments like silver, gold and platinum. We have ADS-IDS in | bd_users_hierarchy.csv lookup file, please check below screenshot.(Note: for security reasons, have to grayed out email addresses.
And service-IDS are in the below index, please check below screenshot
index = imdc_ops_13m sourcetype = usecase_contact app_id="*" | dedup app_id | table _time app_id app_owner app_team_dl
I was using subsearch using join but not successful. Any help is appreciated.
Hi @bmanikya please confirm if my understanding is correct:
You want to match the "user" field from the first screenshot with the "user" field from the bd_users_hierarchy.csv lookup, and the "app_id" field from the third screenshot?
Try something like this:
index=XXX sourcetype=XXX
[|inputlookup Edge_Nodes_All.csv where Environment="*" AND host="*"
|fields host]
|fields cluster, host, user, total_cpu
| join type=inner host [search `gold_mpstat` OR `silver_mpstat` OR `platinum_mpstat` OR `palladium_mpstat` [|inputlookup Edge_Nodes_All.csv where Environment="*" AND host="*" |fields host]
|stats max(eval(id+1)) as cores by host]
|eval pct_CPU = round(total_cpu/cores,2)
|stats max(total_cpu) as total_cpu, max(pct_CPU) as "CPU %" by user,host,cores
|table host user cores total_cpu,"CPU %"
|sort - "CPU %"|head 10
| lookup bd_users_hierarchy.csv user OUTPUT user, email as user_email, UserName, Director, VP,Director_email,VP_email
| join left=L right=R where L.user=R.app_id [index = imdc_ops_13m sourcetype = usecase_contact app_id="*" | dedup app_id | table _time app_id app_owner app_team_dl]
No results after executing the query. There is a lookup file called "bd_users_hierarchy.csv" which contains Active Directory users and "mapr_ticket_contacts.csv " where in UseCase information exists. Please check below screenshot and query i have written to find out Top CPU Users and Usecases on all edge nodes.
In the inputlookup file called ""mapr_ticket_contacts.csv", Usecases ends with letter "s,q,g,p" need to trim down and get email addresses. For example
If i remove the letter "p"
Edge Node Information --- Edge_Nodes_All.csv
Active Directory Users --- bd_users_hierarchy.csv
UseCases -- mapr_ticket_contacts.csv ( Need to trim down letter "s,q,g,p")
I have tried with the below splunk query, but not getting results
index=imdc_*_os sourcetype=ps1 [|inputlookup Edge_Nodes_All.csv where Environment="*" AND host="*" |fields host] |fields cluster, host, user, total_cpu
| join type=inner host [search `gold_mpstat` OR `silver_mpstat` OR `platinum_mpstat` OR `palladium_mpstat` [|inputlookup Edge_Nodes_All.csv where Environment="*" AND host="*" |fields host]
|stats max(eval(id+1)) as cores by host]
|eval pct_CPU = round(total_cpu/cores,2)
|stats max(total_cpu) as total_cpu, max(pct_CPU) as "CPU %" by user,host,cores
|table host user cores total_cpu,"CPU %"
| search NOT user IN ("root","imdcsup","hadpsup")
|sort - "CPU %"|head 10
| join type=left user
[| inputlookup bd_users_hierarchy.csv| rename email as user_email
| table user,user_email]
| join type=left user
[| inputlookup mapr_ticket_contacts.csv
| eventstats max(Modified_Time) as Modified_Time_max by UseCase
| where Modified_Time=Modified_Time_max
| eval Modified_Time=if(Modified_Time=0,"Not Updated",strftime(Modified_Time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
| rename Updated_By as "Last_Updated_By",Modified_Time as "Last_Modified_Time"
| rex field=UseCase "(?<UseCase>.*)."
| rename UseCase as user
| rename Support_Team_DL as user_email
| table user,user_email]
Appreciate your quick response on the same.