Splunk Search

Need help with nested json and spath


I've seen a few of the spath topics around, but wasn't able to understand enough to make it work for my data. I have the following json:

  "Record": {
    "contentId": "429636",
    "levelId": "57",
    "levelGuid": "3c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb7604486",
    "moduleId": "83",
    "parentId": "0",
    "Field": [
        "id": "22811",
        "guid": "6c6bbe96-deab-46ab-b83b-461364a204e0",
        "type": "1",
        "_value": "Need This with 22811 as the field name"
        "id": "22810",
        "guid": "08f66941-8f2f-42ce-87ae-7bec95bb5d3b",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "need this with 22810 as the field name"
        "id": "478",
        "guid": "4e17baea-f624-4d1a-9c8c-83dd18448689",
        "type": "1",
        "p": [
          "Needs to have 478 as field name",
          "Needs to have 478 as field name"
        "id": "22859",
        "guid": "f45d3578-100e-44aa-b3d3-1526aa080742",
        "type": "3",
        "xmlConvertedValue": "2023-06-16T00:00:00Z",
        "_value": "needs 22859 as field name"
        "id": "482",
        "guid": "a7ae0730-508b-4545-8cdc-fb68fc2e985a",
        "type": "3",
        "xmlConvertedValue": "2023-08-22T00:00:00Z",
        "_value": "needs 482 as field name"
        "id": "22791",
        "guid": "89fb3582-c325-4bc9-812e-0d25e319bc52",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": {
          "ListValue": {
            "id": "74192",
            "displayName": "Exception Closed",
            "_value": "needs 22791 as field name"
        "id": "22818",
        "guid": "e2388e72-cace-42e6-9364-4f936df1b7f4",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": {
          "ListValue": {
            "id": "74414",
            "displayName": "Yes",
            "_value": "needs 22818 as field name"
        "id": "22981",
        "guid": "8f8df6e3-8fb8-478b-8aa0-0be02bec24e3",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": {
          "ListValue": {
            "id": "74550",
            "displayName": "Critical",
            "_value": "needs 22981 as field name"
        "id": "22876",
        "guid": "4cc725ad-d78d-4fc0-a3b2-c2805da8f29a",
        "type": "9",
        "Reference": {
          "id": "256681",
          "_value": "needs 22876 as field name"
        "id": "23445",
        "guid": "f4f262f7-290a-4ffc-af2b-dcccde673dba",
        "type": "9",
        "Reference": {
          "id": "255761",
          "_value": "needs 23445 as field name"
        "id": "1675",
        "guid": "ea8f9a24-3d35-49f9-b74e-e3b9e48f8b3b",
        "type": "2"
        "id": "22812",
        "guid": "e563eb9e-6390-406a-ac79-386e1c3006a3",
        "type": "2",
        "_value": "needs 22812 as field name"
        "id": "22863",
        "guid": "a9fe7505-5877-4bdf-aa28-9f6c86af90ae",
        "type": "8",
        "Users": {
          "User": {
            "id": "5117",
            "firstName": "data",
            "middleName": "data",
            "lastName": "data",
            "_value": "needs 22863 as field name"
        "id": "22784",
        "guid": "4466fd31-3ab3-4117-8aa0-40f765d20c10",
        "type": "3",
        "xmlConvertedValue": "2023-07-18T00:00:00Z",
        "_value": "7/18/2023"
        "id": "22786",
        "guid": "d1c7af3e-a350-4e59-9353-132a04a73641",
        "type": "1"
        "id": "2808",
        "guid": "4392ae76-9ee1-45bf-ac31-9e323a518622",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 2808 as field name"
        "id": "22802",
        "guid": "ad7d4268-e386-441d-90b1-2da2fba0d002",
        "type": "1",
        "table": {
          "style": "width: 954px",
          "border": "1",
          "cellspacing": "0",
          "cellpadding": "0",
          "tbody": {
            "tr": {
              "style": "height: 73.05pt",
              "td": {
                "style": "width: 715.5pt",
                "valign": "top",
                "p": "needs 22802 as field name"
        "id": "8031",
        "guid": "fbcfdf2c-2990-41d1-9139-8a1d255688b0",
        "type": "1",
        "table": {
          "style": "width: 954px",
          "border": "1",
          "cellspacing": "0",
          "cellpadding": "0",
          "tbody": {
            "tr": {
              "style": "height: 71.1pt",
              "td": {
                "style": "width: 715.5pt",
                "valign": "top",
                "p": [
                  "needs 8031 as field name",
                  "needs 8031 as field name"
        "id": "22820",
        "guid": "0f98830d-48b3-497c-b965-55be276037f2",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 22820 as field name"
        "id": "22807",
        "guid": "8aa0d0fa-632d-4dfa-9867-b0cc407fa96b",
        "type": "3"
        "id": "22855",
        "guid": "e55cbc59-ad8d-4831-8e6f-d350046026e9",
        "type": "1"
        "id": "8032",
        "guid": "f916365b-e6eb-4ab9-a4ff-c7812a404854",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 8032 as field name"
        "id": "22792",
        "guid": "8e70c28a-2eec-4e38-b78b-5495c2854b3e",
        "type": "1",
        "_value": "needs 22792 as field name "
        "id": 22793,
        "guid": "ffeaa385-643a-4f04-8a00-c28ddd026b7f",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": ""
        "id": "22795",
        "guid": "c46eac60-d86e-4af4-9292-d194a601f8b6",
        "type": "1"
        "id": "22797",
        "guid": "8cd6e398-e565-4034-8db8-2e2ecb2f0b31",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": {
          "ListValue": {
            "id": "73060",
            "displayName": "data",
            "_value": "needs 22797 as field name"
        "id": "22799",
        "guid": "20823b18-cb9b-47a3-854d-58f874164b27",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": {
          "ListValue": {
            "id": "74410",
            "displayName": "Other",
            "_value": "needs 22799 as field name"
        "id": "22798",
        "guid": "5b32be4c-bc40-45b3-add4-1b22162fd882",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": {
          "ListValue": {
            "id": "74405",
            "displayName": "N/A",
            "_value": "needs 22798 as field name"
        "id": "22800",
        "guid": "6b020db0-780f-4eaf-8381-c122425b71ed",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 22800 as field name"
        "id": "22801",
        "guid": "06334da8-5392-4a9d-a3eb-d4075ee30787",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 22801 as field name"
        "id": "22794",
        "guid": "25da1de8-8e81-4281-8ef3-d82d1dc005ad",
        "type": "4",
        "ListValues": {
          "ListValue": {
            "id": "74398",
            "displayName": "Yes",
            "_value": "needs 22794 as field name"
        "id": "22813",
        "guid": "89760b4f-49be-40ad-8429-89c247e3e95a",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 22813 as field name"
        "id": "22803",
        "guid": "03b6c826-e15c-4356-89e8-b0bd509aaeb5",
        "type": "3",
        "xmlConvertedValue": "2023-06-15T00:00:00Z",
        "_value": "needs 22803 as field name"
        "id": "22804",
        "guid": "d7683f9c-97bb-461a-97df-36ec6596b4fc",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 22804 as field name"
        "id": "22805",
        "guid": "33386a3a-c331-4d8c-9825-166c0a5235c2",
        "type": "3",
        "xmlConvertedValue": "2023-06-15T00:00:00Z",
        "_value": "needs 22805 as field name"
        "id": "22806",
        "guid": "cd486293-9857-475c-9da3-a06f836edb59",
        "type": "1",
        "p": "needs 22806 as field name"

and have been able to extract id, (some) p data and _value data from Record.Field{} using:

| spath path=Record.Field{} output=Field 
| mvexpand Field 
| spath input=Field 
| rename id AS Field_id, value AS Field_value, p AS Field_p

, but have been unable get any other data out. The p values that I can get out are single value only.
In particular, I need to get the multi-value fields for ListValues{}.ListValue out. In addition, I need to map the values in _value and p to the top ID field in that array. I think the code sample provided above explains what's needed.
I know I can do a

|eval {id}=value

but it's complicated when there are so many more fields other than value, or complicated when the fields are nested.

Can someone help with this?

Labels (2)
Tags (3)
0 Karma


Is this what you are looking for?

 needs 22981 as field nameCritical745504296363c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb760448657830       8f8df6e3-8fb8-478b-8aa0-0be02bec24e322981         4  
    4296363c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb760448657830needs 22876 as field name256681     4cc725ad-d78d-4fc0-a3b2-c2805da8f29a22876         9  
    4296363c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb760448657830needs 23445 as field name255761     f4f262f7-290a-4ffc-af2b-dcccde673dba23445         9  
    4296363c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb760448657830       ea8f9a24-3d35-49f9-b74e-e3b9e48f8b3b1675         2  
    4296363c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb760448657830       e563eb9e-6390-406a-ac79-386e1c3006a322812         2needs 22812 as field name 
    4296363c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb760448657830  needs 22863 as field namedata5117datadataa9fe7505-5877-4bdf-aa28-9f6c86af90ae22863         8  
    4296363c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb760448657830       4466fd31-3ab3-4117-8aa0-40f765d20c1022784         37/18/20232023-07-18T00:00:00Z

Just repeat the same array flatten method




| fields - Record.Field{}.*
| spath path=Record.Field{}
| mvexpand Record.Field{}
| spath input=Record.Field{}
| mvexpand p{}
| mvexpand table.tbody.tr.td.p{}
| eval p = coalesce(p, 'p{}'), table.tbody.tr.td.p = coalesce(table.tbody.tr.td.p, 'table.tbody.tr.td.p{}')
| fields - Record.Field{} p{} table.tbody.tr.td.p{}




Here's an emulation you can play with and compare with your data




| makeresults
| eval _raw = "{
  \"Record\": {
    \"contentId\": \"429636\",
    \"levelId\": \"57\",
    \"levelGuid\": \"3c5b481a-6698-49f5-8111-e43bb7604486\",
    \"moduleId\": \"83\",
    \"parentId\": \"0\",
    \"Field\": [
        \"id\": \"22811\",
        \"guid\": \"6c6bbe96-deab-46ab-b83b-461364a204e0\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"_value\": \"Need This with 22811 as the field name\"
        \"id\": \"22810\",
        \"guid\": \"08f66941-8f2f-42ce-87ae-7bec95bb5d3b\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"need this with 22810 as the field name\"
        \"id\": \"478\",
        \"guid\": \"4e17baea-f624-4d1a-9c8c-83dd18448689\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": [
          \"Needs to have 478 as field name\",
          \"Needs to have 478 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22859\",
        \"guid\": \"f45d3578-100e-44aa-b3d3-1526aa080742\",
        \"type\": \"3\",
        \"xmlConvertedValue\": \"2023-06-16T00:00:00Z\",
        \"_value\": \"needs 22859 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"482\",
        \"guid\": \"a7ae0730-508b-4545-8cdc-fb68fc2e985a\",
        \"type\": \"3\",
        \"xmlConvertedValue\": \"2023-08-22T00:00:00Z\",
        \"_value\": \"needs 482 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22791\",
        \"guid\": \"89fb3582-c325-4bc9-812e-0d25e319bc52\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": {
          \"ListValue\": {
            \"id\": \"74192\",
            \"displayName\": \"Exception Closed\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22791 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22818\",
        \"guid\": \"e2388e72-cace-42e6-9364-4f936df1b7f4\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": {
          \"ListValue\": {
            \"id\": \"74414\",
            \"displayName\": \"Yes\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22818 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22981\",
        \"guid\": \"8f8df6e3-8fb8-478b-8aa0-0be02bec24e3\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": {
          \"ListValue\": {
            \"id\": \"74550\",
            \"displayName\": \"Critical\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22981 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22876\",
        \"guid\": \"4cc725ad-d78d-4fc0-a3b2-c2805da8f29a\",
        \"type\": \"9\",
        \"Reference\": {
          \"id\": \"256681\",
          \"_value\": \"needs 22876 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"23445\",
        \"guid\": \"f4f262f7-290a-4ffc-af2b-dcccde673dba\",
        \"type\": \"9\",
        \"Reference\": {
          \"id\": \"255761\",
          \"_value\": \"needs 23445 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"1675\",
        \"guid\": \"ea8f9a24-3d35-49f9-b74e-e3b9e48f8b3b\",
        \"type\": \"2\"
        \"id\": \"22812\",
        \"guid\": \"e563eb9e-6390-406a-ac79-386e1c3006a3\",
        \"type\": \"2\",
        \"_value\": \"needs 22812 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22863\",
        \"guid\": \"a9fe7505-5877-4bdf-aa28-9f6c86af90ae\",
        \"type\": \"8\",
        \"Users\": {
          \"User\": {
            \"id\": \"5117\",
            \"firstName\": \"data\",
            \"middleName\": \"data\",
            \"lastName\": \"data\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22863 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22784\",
        \"guid\": \"4466fd31-3ab3-4117-8aa0-40f765d20c10\",
        \"type\": \"3\",
        \"xmlConvertedValue\": \"2023-07-18T00:00:00Z\",
        \"_value\": \"7/18/2023\"
        \"id\": \"22786\",
        \"guid\": \"d1c7af3e-a350-4e59-9353-132a04a73641\",
        \"type\": \"1\"
        \"id\": \"2808\",
        \"guid\": \"4392ae76-9ee1-45bf-ac31-9e323a518622\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 2808 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22802\",
        \"guid\": \"ad7d4268-e386-441d-90b1-2da2fba0d002\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"table\": {
          \"style\": \"width: 954px\",
          \"border\": \"1\",
          \"cellspacing\": \"0\",
          \"cellpadding\": \"0\",
          \"tbody\": {
            \"tr\": {
              \"style\": \"height: 73.05pt\",
              \"td\": {
                \"style\": \"width: 715.5pt\",
                \"valign\": \"top\",
                \"p\": \"needs 22802 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"8031\",
        \"guid\": \"fbcfdf2c-2990-41d1-9139-8a1d255688b0\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"table\": {
          \"style\": \"width: 954px\",
          \"border\": \"1\",
          \"cellspacing\": \"0\",
          \"cellpadding\": \"0\",
          \"tbody\": {
            \"tr\": {
              \"style\": \"height: 71.1pt\",
              \"td\": {
                \"style\": \"width: 715.5pt\",
                \"valign\": \"top\",
                \"p\": [
                  \"needs 8031 as field name\",
                  \"needs 8031 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22820\",
        \"guid\": \"0f98830d-48b3-497c-b965-55be276037f2\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 22820 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22807\",
        \"guid\": \"8aa0d0fa-632d-4dfa-9867-b0cc407fa96b\",
        \"type\": \"3\"
        \"id\": \"22855\",
        \"guid\": \"e55cbc59-ad8d-4831-8e6f-d350046026e9\",
        \"type\": \"1\"
        \"id\": \"8032\",
        \"guid\": \"f916365b-e6eb-4ab9-a4ff-c7812a404854\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 8032 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22792\",
        \"guid\": \"8e70c28a-2eec-4e38-b78b-5495c2854b3e\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"_value\": \"needs 22792 as field name \"
        \"id\": 22793,
        \"guid\": \"ffeaa385-643a-4f04-8a00-c28ddd026b7f\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": \"\"
        \"id\": \"22795\",
        \"guid\": \"c46eac60-d86e-4af4-9292-d194a601f8b6\",
        \"type\": \"1\"
        \"id\": \"22797\",
        \"guid\": \"8cd6e398-e565-4034-8db8-2e2ecb2f0b31\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": {
          \"ListValue\": {
            \"id\": \"73060\",
            \"displayName\": \"data\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22797 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22799\",
        \"guid\": \"20823b18-cb9b-47a3-854d-58f874164b27\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": {
          \"ListValue\": {
            \"id\": \"74410\",
            \"displayName\": \"Other\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22799 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22798\",
        \"guid\": \"5b32be4c-bc40-45b3-add4-1b22162fd882\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": {
          \"ListValue\": {
            \"id\": \"74405\",
            \"displayName\": \"N/A\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22798 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22800\",
        \"guid\": \"6b020db0-780f-4eaf-8381-c122425b71ed\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 22800 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22801\",
        \"guid\": \"06334da8-5392-4a9d-a3eb-d4075ee30787\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 22801 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22794\",
        \"guid\": \"25da1de8-8e81-4281-8ef3-d82d1dc005ad\",
        \"type\": \"4\",
        \"ListValues\": {
          \"ListValue\": {
            \"id\": \"74398\",
            \"displayName\": \"Yes\",
            \"_value\": \"needs 22794 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22813\",
        \"guid\": \"89760b4f-49be-40ad-8429-89c247e3e95a\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 22813 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22803\",
        \"guid\": \"03b6c826-e15c-4356-89e8-b0bd509aaeb5\",
        \"type\": \"3\",
        \"xmlConvertedValue\": \"2023-06-15T00:00:00Z\",
        \"_value\": \"needs 22803 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22804\",
        \"guid\": \"d7683f9c-97bb-461a-97df-36ec6596b4fc\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 22804 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22805\",
        \"guid\": \"33386a3a-c331-4d8c-9825-166c0a5235c2\",
        \"type\": \"3\",
        \"xmlConvertedValue\": \"2023-06-15T00:00:00Z\",
        \"_value\": \"needs 22805 as field name\"
        \"id\": \"22806\",
        \"guid\": \"cd486293-9857-475c-9da3-a06f836edb59\",
        \"type\": \"1\",
        \"p\": \"needs 22806 as field name\"
| spath
``` emulation above ```







0 Karma


To get p which takes either the single or mv field, use

| eval p_values=coalesce(p, 'p{}')

I don't understand the ListValues.Listvalue part - these are not an array, so only single value fields in your example. Can you give an example of what in your example data should get mapped in the _value and p cases to the top array?


0 Karma
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