My apologies
i was using "eventTimestamp" instead of "@timestamp" in my rex command
i just realized and its working now , However i do not need date in last column need only time.
Please help how to do that.
please find below details
index=* namespace="dk1017-j" sourcetype="kube:container:kafka-clickhouse-snapshot-writer" message="*Snapshot event published*" AND message="*dbI-LDN*" AND message="*2024-04-03*" AND message="*"
|fields message
|rex field=_raw "\s+date=(?<BusDate>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})"
|rex field=_raw "sourceSystem=(?<Source>[^,]*)"
|rex field=_raw "entityType=(?<Entity>\w+)"
|rex field=_raw "\"@timestamp\":\"(?<Time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[T]\d{2}:\d{2})" --> Please help Here
|sort Time desc
|dedup Entity
|table Source, BusDate, Entity, Time
raw data
Need only time 02:25:59 AM/PM in last column
|rex field=_raw "\"@timestamp\":\"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T(?<Time>\d{2}:\d{2})"
is there way to add AM OR PM according to time.
Yes, extract the full timestamp (including the date), then parse it with strptime() into an epoch time value (number of seconds since 1970), then format it with strftime() using the relevant time variables
Appreciate if you can share some example .
Assuming your ingest has already parsed your timestamp into the _time field, then you can just format that to get the time
| eval Time=strftime(_time, "%I:%M %p")
|rex field=_raw "\"@timestamp\":\"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T(?<Time>\d{2}:\d{2})"