Hi team,
1. I have below query
<base query here>
| rex field=_raw "POST\s+(?<RequestURL>.*)HTTP.*company\=(?<CMID>.*?)\&"
| eval autosave=if(RequestURL like "%autosave=true%", "1", "0")
| bin span=1d _time
| stats count(eval(autosave=1)) as autosave count(eval(autosave=0 OR autosave=1)) as total by _time,SFDC
| eval percent=round(autosave * 100 / total,2)
| chart values(total) as total values(autosave) as autosave values(percent) as percent by _time, SFDC
| ......
2. but the table returned to me is not formtted with what I sepcified in above query "bin span=1d _time", the table has two rows for each day, which is not what i want. please refer to below screenshot.
3. here is expected result i want. how to modify the query to achive expected result?
You get a row for each unique combination of fields, in your case _time and SFDC
but i specify span=1d, why the stats result is not split by a day?
I tried with by _ time only, and remove SFDC after by clause. the stats result is still not returned by day. As you see from 1st screenshot, same date still appeared multiple times.
| stats values(*) as * by _time
Hi @ITWhisperer and @isoutamo ,
I change span=1d to span=24h, and not the table split the data by day. please refer to below screenshot.
I think span=1d and span=24h are same. why they ouput different result?
1. with span=24h (this is what i want to get.)
2. with span=1d (this is what I don't want to get as same day appears multiple times.)
Please show the queries you used for the two screenshots
As for different results, span=1d will snap to the day and span=24h will snap to the hour, so if you time range starts at 07:10 on 2020/10/09 and finished at 20:32 on 2020/10/12, with span=1d your first bin will include results from 07:10 on 2020/10/09 until 23:59:59 on 2020/10/09 and the second bin starts at 00:00 on 2020/10/10 until 23:59:59 on 2020/10/10 etc. whereas with span=24h your first bin will include results from 07:10 on 2020/10/09 until 06:59:59 on 2020/10/10 and the second bin starts at 07:00 on 2020/10/10 until 06:59:59 on 2020/10/11
Hi @ITWhisperer
Here are the queries for two screenshots.
1. query with span=1d and result screenshot. Time Range for these 2 queries are both ' 2 days before' that I selected from from time range picker.
(host=pc* OR servername=pc*) AND
(( index=*bizx_web sourcetype=access_log_bizx AND "POST /acme?acme_form_type=pm360&itrModule=talent&_s.crb=*" )
OR ( index=*bix_application sourcetype=server_log_bizx AND SaveFormImpl "Total Time for createDetailedRecords" ))
| rex field=_raw "POST\s+(?<RequestURL>.*)HTTP.*company\=(?<CMID>.*?)\&"
| eval autosave=if(RequestURL like "%autosave=true%", "1", "0")
| bin span=1d _time
| stats count(eval(autosave=1)) as autosave count(eval(autosave=0 OR autosave=1)) as total by _time SFDC
| eval percent=round(autosave * 100 / total,2)
| chart values(total) as total values(autosave) as autosave values(percent) as percent by _time SFDC useother=false limit=0
As you see , the stats count result is not splitted by a day. Looks like it was splitted by hours.
2. query with span=24h and result screenshot is
(host=pc* OR servername=pc*) AND
(( index=*bizx_web sourcetype=access_log_bizx AND "POST /acme?acme_form_type=pm360&itrModule=talent&_s.crb=*" )
OR ( index=*bix_application sourcetype=server_log_bizx AND SaveFormImpl "Total Time for createDetailedRecords" ))
| rex field=_raw "POST\s+(?<RequestURL>.*)HTTP.*company\=(?<CMID>.*?)\&"
| eval autosave=if(RequestURL like "%autosave=true%", "1", "0")
| bin span=24h _time
| stats count(eval(autosave=1)) as autosave count(eval(autosave=0 OR autosave=1)) as total by _time SFDC
| eval percent=round(autosave * 100 / total,2)
| chart values(total) as total values(autosave) as autosave values(percent) as percent by _time SFDC useother=false limit=0
Hi @cheriemilk
I am unable to replicate your results. Please check that you are using the latest version of splunk and if the problem still occurs, raise a support request with splunk.
time selection is '7 days before' selected from time range picker. i didn't add 'earliest= xx' in the query.