i am trying the exclude the events in the sub search query using Search NOT. It is not returning the expected result.
in this i am trying to exclude "system=APICleanUp callbacknumber=* Message="API Success" sourcetype=application_prod" events. Both the logs are are coming from 2 different system..callback is the common field between two search queries.
environment=PROD system=API1 Message="API l logs"|dedup callbacknumber
| search NOT [search system=APICleanUp callbacknumber=* Message="API Success" sourcetype=application_prod ]| table callbacknumber
Any help will be highly appreciated
then my query should definitely work. if you can give more details I can troubleshoot. like sample event of two data sets and extracted fields and used fields in search.
but callbacknumber is unique for both right ?
yes it is unique in both the queries
environment=PROD system=API1 Message="API l logs"|stats count as events_count by callbacknumber
| append [search system=APICleanUp callbacknumber=* Message="API Success" sourcetype=application_prod | stats count as subevents_count by callbacknumber]
| stats values(*) as * by callbacknumber
| where isnotnull(events_count) AND isnull(subevents_count)
Thanks for your time @thambisetty ..sorry it is not giving the expected result.
Basically i would like to see the callback numbers which should have the log Message="API 1 logs" and should not have the log Message= "API Success".
first Message="API 1 logs" event will happen in the system=API1 followed by the event Message= "API Success" in the system=APICleanUp.