Splunk Search

Multiple stats count logic

Loves-to-Learn Lots

I have an alert which tirggers on following:

index=xxx sourcetype=xxx_cdr_event host=**at** |search cause_code IN (500)| bucket span=30m _time |stats count by _time,host|where count>=20|sort -count

But it creates some noises based on calling and called parties. 

For calling_party_address noise I have to use following:

index=xxx sourcetype=xxx_cdr_event host=**at**|search cause_code IN (500)|eval pmp =substr(icid_value,1,4)| bucket span=30m _time |stats count by _time,host,calling_party_address|where count>20|sort -count

For called_party_address noise I have to use following:

index=sbg sourcetype=xxx_cdr_event host=**at**|search cause_code IN (500)|eval pmp =substr(icid_value,1,4)| bucket span=30m _time |stats count by _time,host,called_party_address|where count>20|sort -count

How can I add the calling and called party logic in the original alert search to make is noiseless?


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