Splunk Search

Multiple searches in one chart

New Member

Hi there,
I would like to merge multiple searches into one pie chart. Examples of searches would be:

sourcetype="BustedServer" iphone
sourcetype="BustedServer" iPad
sourcetype="BustedServer" Android
sourcetype="BustedServer" Blackeberry
sourcetype="BustedServer" Windows

Anyone any ideas please?

Thanks in advance.


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0 Karma

Path Finder

I think MuS's answer is the cleanest way to do this. However, if you wanted do a quick field extraction on the fly and regex is too daunting, you can take advantage of the eval command to see results quickly:

sourcetype="BustedServer" | eval mobileType=case(searchmatch("iphone"),"iPhone",searchmatch("android"),"Android",searchmatch("Blackberry"),"Blackberry",searchmatch("Windows"),"Windows",searchmatch("iPad"),"iPad") | stats count by mobileType
0 Karma


Hi brownd92

you can do this for example:

sourcetype="BustedServer" | stats count by YourFieldName

replace YourFieldName with the fieldname which contains iphone|iPad|Android|Backberry|Windows

Then you can create a pie chart out of it.




have you tried the regex? since you want to do a pie chart, this is the easiest way.

0 Karma

New Member

Thanks Ill have a look 🙂

0 Karma


try this, it is a on the fly regex test:

sourcetype="BustedServer" | rex field=_raw "((?[^)(]+|(?R))+)"

this should match everything inside the first brackets and create a new field called Mobile_Brand

0 Karma

New Member

Thanks for the quick answer. However there is no fieldname containing this data due to the complex nature of it.

Here is an example of some records:

9/17/2012 10:46:18 AM Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) 9/17/2012
10:58:36 AM Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; GT-I9100 Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1

As you can see the information is just held in a string....

0 Karma

New Member

Thanks again for the quick answer.
Ive tried setting up a field extraction, however it dosent always appear in the same place. Compatible devices may have "android" and "windows" in the same string but in different places. The normal search works ok to get the information but I need to combine all the search results into one pie chart so I can get the percentages of each device used...

Thanks again


0 Karma


if the the keyword exist in each line at the same place, you can setup field extraction http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/4.3.4/Knowledge/Addfieldsatsearchtime to create your own field

0 Karma

New Member

Thanks for the quick answer. However there is no fieldname containing this data due to the complex nature of it.

Here is an example of some records:

9/17/2012 10:46:18 AM Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko)
9/17/2012 10:58:36 AM Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; GT-I9100 Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
9/17/2012 10:59:50 AM Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; AskTB5.6)

As you can see the information is just held in a string....


0 Karma
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