I'm new to splunk and just started using it. I want to monitor xml files in a directory. I have used summary indexing.
Splunk for some reason couldn't automatically extract those fields,hence I have used spath to extract fields like region
and customerName
Xml files have structure as below:
<Region>Some Region</Region>
<Country>Any Country</Country>
<State>Any State in Country</State>
<City>Any City in State</City>
<Customer Name="ABCD XYZ" Address="asdjasdjksj" Contact="2387387843" Email="someone@email.com">
<Product ID="57" Name="Samsung Galaxy s6" Price="56000">
<Product ID="58" Name="Sony Xperia z4" Price="46000">
<Customer Name="Xyz Pqrs" Address="adsfgfgrt" Contact="2387397843" Email="someone2@email.com">
<Product ID="57" Name="Samsung Galaxy s5" Price="42000">
<Product ID="58" Name="LG G3" Price="46000">
And so on
Splunk searches I want to achieve:
1.List of product sold(Product Name) with count by Region
2.customer wise product purchased.
I didn't use rex, just used splunk searches.
If the extraction is ok,can you provide a sample table of all your extracted fields ?so we can easily help....
some values are coming as "other" while grouping.If i do precise search,i get correct values.Any Idea?
New updated query
| spath output="productSold" path="Report.Customers.Customer.Products.Product{@Name}"
| spath output="branchRegion" path="Report.Details.Location.Region"
| chart count over branchRegion by productSold limit=0
Got one question.I had given sample data which mirrored by data`s xml pattern.
Query which worked on sample xml doesnt seem to work on my data.
Also the second query is not working properly.
link contains sample xml files i used for monitoring
| spath output="nameOfProductSold" path="Report.Customers.Customer.Products.Product{@Name}"
| spath output="branchRegion" path="Report.Details.Location.Region"
|chart count over nameOfProductSold by branchRegion
first query ran somehow. 🙂
I`ll try with second.