I've been using this command on other metric indexes and i can't get this one to work.
index=iiot_index Tag="simple_tag" AND metric_name="simple_metric" Quality=good
| eval Value=CASE(
Value="TRUE", 1,
Value="FALSE", 0,
Value="ACTIVE", 1,
Value="IN_PROGRESS", 1,
Value="ARMED", 1,
Value="TRIGGERED", 0,
Value="ON", 1,
Value="OFF", 0,
1=1, Value)
| rex field=asset_name "(?.).(?.)"
| eval _value=Value
| where isnum(_value)
| table asset metric_name Value _time
| mcollect index=iiot_index_metric asset,metric_name,Value
The error i get is this:
Error in 'mcollect' command: Must specify a valid metric index.
I do get data from the first index above, and this index in the last line is a metrics index.
I figured in out. we are in a distributed environment and this index needed to be on the search head as well as indexers (of course).
I figured in out. we are in a distributed environment and this index needed to be on the search head as well as indexers (of course).