A user has asked me if they can take a chart they just generated in Splunk and then send it to other users who don't have access to Splunk.
My understanding is that other than either doing a screen capture or doing some kind of "print as PDF" of the page, the answer is "no". Splunk doesn't really let to explicitly save the resulting chart to an image. I can usually get somethign with a "print to PDF" but it never looks very nice.
It appears that right-clicking on the graph itself doesn't give me a "save as image" either as I don't think it is a simple image to the browser.
Before I relayed that to the user, I wanted to confirm this was the case.
Hi, you are correct, Splunk does not provide a "save as image" feature for charts and dashboards. To share a report with a non-Splunk user, you would have make a PDF and email it. You've probably already read the documentation topic Save reports and share them with others, that provides the best overview of your options.
This is a pretty major limitation. My users don't just want to see graphs and reports, they want analysis too. It'd be nice to be able to save a chart as an image, get it into Word, and then add my analysis. So let's make it happen, folks!
I agree. This would be a very good improvement.
When I want to just get a graph from a page out to others, I Ctrl-Alt-PrtScr to copy the browser window, paste it into mspaint, and crop. You can either save to an image file or, if your mail client supports it, cut and paste the image directly into the mail message.
(Yes, I realize not everyone runs Windows; equivalent operations are available for any sane OS, and are left as an exercise for the reader)
Thanks. While it's kind of a pain in the butt, it seems like a screen capture is the at least the cleanest output one can get.
Hi, you are correct, Splunk does not provide a "save as image" feature for charts and dashboards. To share a report with a non-Splunk user, you would have make a PDF and email it. You've probably already read the documentation topic Save reports and share them with others, that provides the best overview of your options.
I'm not really sure how this works, but I thought this was also an issue with the print-to-PDF driver itself. Like CutePDF writer or PDF995 or something.
But it still seems like a reasonable request to me to have a button that says something like "export to PNG" for a given chart.
Improvements to PDF printing are already in the works for a future release!
Thanks. Yes, as I mentioned in the post, whenever I try print to PDF it rarely looks good. Half the time it doesn't even display the graph. It sounds like I need to open an enhancement request.