I have been working with extracting userIDs using RegExs and have run into some trouble. The following returns the correct results
| rex field=_raw "\,[abc]\w\w\w\w\w\w(?<userID>)" | stats count(userID)
This extracts user IDs from a csv file (that is our sourcetype)
When I go to the Fields Extraction page and edit the extraction manually, I don't get any results (actually, it returns none found)
I have tried editing the inline regex to read \,[abc]\w\w\w\w\w\w(?
Thanks, Mike
Try this
| rex "(,\s)* (?P<userID>\w\w\w\d\d\d\d)(,\s)*"
assumming userId format is 3 alphabet and 4 digits. Update this if necessary.
Try this
| rex "(,\s)* (?P<userID>\w\w\w\d\d\d\d)(,\s)*"
assumming userId format is 3 alphabet and 4 digits. Update this if necessary.
That is great! Thank you! Mike
Thanks for the responses. I have a csv with information like email, userID, phone number, etc in it. A typical userID will be formatted like 'acb1234'. The issue that I am addressing is that the userID location between the various sourcetypes has changed over time. Meaning that in version one, the userID was in the second column, in version two, is has moved to the 8th column.
Sample entry would be
mike@email.com, abc1234, 555-555-1212, FName, LName ...
21, mike@email.com, FName, LName, abc1234, 555-555-1212 etc..
Thank you! Mike
Can you provide some sample entries?
There may be some editing error, your userID
capturing group cannot match anything because it's empty.