Splunk Search

Makemv function does not work inside join


Do we know the reason why Splunk search has below behaviour:




| makeresults | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="1", other_field_2="test1" | append [| makeresults | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="2", other_field_2="test2"]
| join type=left group_by_field [| makeresults| eval group_by_field="A", inventory_field="upperA~~characterA" | makemv inventory_field delim="~~"]
| search inventory_field="upperA"


* This gives 0 results.




| makeresults | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="1", other_field_2="test1" | append [| makeresults | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="2", other_field_2="test2"]
| join type=left group_by_field [| makeresults| eval group_by_field="A", inventory_field="upperA~~characterA" ]
| makemv inventory_field delim="~~"
| search inventory_field="upperA"


* gives 2 results as expected with all fields:



It seems makemv (multi-valued field) does not work inside the join query. Do we know if this is documented or a bug?


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1 Solution



I don't think it is problem with makemv command, any multivalued field in sub search is converted into single value filed.

Try this.


| makeresults 
| eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="1", other_field_2="test1" 
| append 
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="2", other_field_2="test2"] 
| join type=left group_by_field max=0 
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", inventory_field="upperA~~characterA" 
    | eval inventory_field = split(inventory_field,"~~")] 



So for some how to work the filter we have to again make it multivalued. 


| makeresults 
| eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="1", other_field_2="test1" 
| append 
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="2", other_field_2="test2"] 
| join type=left group_by_field max=0
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", inventory_field="upperA~~characterA" 
| eval inventory_field = split(inventory_field,"~~")
| search inventory_field="upperA"



So if it is expected behaviour of sub search with multivalue fields should be documented. 🙂 


Still I'm searching more on the same. 




View solution in original post



I don't think it is problem with makemv command, any multivalued field in sub search is converted into single value filed.

Try this.


| makeresults 
| eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="1", other_field_2="test1" 
| append 
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="2", other_field_2="test2"] 
| join type=left group_by_field max=0 
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", inventory_field="upperA~~characterA" 
    | eval inventory_field = split(inventory_field,"~~")] 



So for some how to work the filter we have to again make it multivalued. 


| makeresults 
| eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="1", other_field_2="test1" 
| append 
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="2", other_field_2="test2"] 
| join type=left group_by_field max=0
    [| makeresults 
    | eval group_by_field="A", inventory_field="upperA~~characterA" 
| eval inventory_field = split(inventory_field,"~~")
| search inventory_field="upperA"



So if it is expected behaviour of sub search with multivalue fields should be documented. 🙂 


Still I'm searching more on the same. 





@kamlesh_vaghela  - Yeah the solution works with both split() function and makemv command outside subsearch.

But, thanks for the confirmation on the behavior of subsearch with the multi-valued fields.

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