Hi All,
Still learning the ropes here, but am making some dashboards and could use some help with a lookup table. I have a panel that gives me the top 10 used ports leaving my router. Would like to match the dest_port with a description for what runs on said port, which is contained in the lookup csv.
I've imported my CSV into Splunk (port_descriptions.csv) and it has 3 colums: protocol, port, description
Here is a quick shot of what it looks like:
protocol port description
TCP 0 Reserved
TCP 1 Port Service Multiplexer
TCP 2 Management Utility
TCP 3 Compression Process
Here is my current search,
index=nwk AND action=allowed AND protocol=TCP
| top dest_port
| rename dest_port AS "Destination Port"
| rename count AS "Hits"
| rename percent AS "Percent of Top 10"
I've tried adding the following, but it seems to give me different results than the original search above. Not sure if i should also have the search map the protocol, too?
| lookup port_descriptions.csv port AS dest_port
| top dest_port by description
Anyway, if you've come this far, thanks for reading and trying to help a noobie out.
Hi picaresqu3,
try something like this:
index=nwk action=allowed protocol=TCP
| top dest_port
| lookup port_descriptions.csv port AS dest_port OUTPUT description
| rename dest_port AS "Destination Port" count AS "Hits" percent AS "Percent of Top 10" description AS Description
| table "Destination Port" Description Hits "Percent of Top 10"
@gcusello thank you! I was getting duplicates in the description field since the CSV had TCP and UDP entries, but I just broke them out into 2 separate lookup table files to fix. Thank you! 😄
Hi picaresqu3,
try something like this:
index=nwk action=allowed protocol=TCP
| top dest_port
| lookup port_descriptions.csv port AS dest_port OUTPUT description
| rename dest_port AS "Destination Port" count AS "Hits" percent AS "Percent of Top 10" description AS Description
| table "Destination Port" Description Hits "Percent of Top 10"
Hi picaresqu3,
if this answer helped you, please accept and/or upvote it.
Bye, see next time.