OK, this is a piece of my .csv file. I have everithing correctly configured in transforms.conf and props.conf.
I need to show in a table the right message to the Code, depending on the value of another field.
For example, the field Key contains only values Blue and Red. If Key is Blue, show Description1; if Key is Red, show Description2.
Continuing with the example, this is what I would want to see in the table while searching:
Code ----------- Key ------------ Description
0 Red successful
1 Red failure
0 Blue ok
6 Red network_error
3 Blue not_connected
1 Blue error
Is there any way to do that?
You should be able to achieve this with a combination of eval and case, something like this:
... | eval Description = case(Key=="Red",Description1,Key=="Blue",Description2)
You should be able to achieve this with a combination of eval and case, something like this:
... | eval Description = case(Key=="Red",Description1,Key=="Blue",Description2)
When the student is ready, the lesson appears. I have found this to be true for me, and others, over and over again. It seems that "noop" is actually an acronym for "Not Open to Opportunities Presently"! (;->)
I was tying that with eval Description = if(Key=Red,Description1,Description2)... How could I not see the '==' noob mistake.