lookup contains 3 columns DeviceId, host, and storeNumber
splunk events contain a Properties.DeviceName field that matches the DeviceId in the lookup.
When I attempt the following
| search Properties.DeviceName IN
[| lookup SPCClientMaster DeviceId AS Properties.DeviceName
Error in 'search' command: Unable to parse the search: Comparator 'IN' has an invalid term on the right hand side: NOT.
Why is this happening?
I'm not sure if this is related but if you're trying to run a subsearch your square bracket is not in the right place and you have an extra pipe. Should be like this:
[ search Properties.DeviceName IN
| lookup SPCClientMaster DeviceId AS Properties.DeviceName
This doesn't work as you get the following error
Error in 'search' command: Unable to parse the search: Comparator 'IN' is missing a term on the right hand side.
I'm not sure a lookup command in a subsearch makes sense, it doesn't have anything to look at. You can do one of two things here:
| search
[| inputlookup SPCClientMaster DeviceId
| rename DeviceId as Properties.DeviceName
| lookup SPCClientMaster DeviceId AS Properties.DeviceName OUTPUT fieldThatShowsExistence
| where isnotnull(fieldThatShowsExistence)
I like the first if you just want a straight IN clause, and the second if you want to extract information from the csv. Does that make sense?
Neither of these work either. This isn't making any sense whatsoever.
There is a row in my lookup that has a value for DeviceId as "ABC"
I can write the splunk query as Properties.DeviceName=ABC, and it returns a row as expected.
When I add [| lookup SPCClientMaster DeviceId as Properties.DeviceName] I get nothing. Even though I can write the query |inputlookup SPCClientMaster .csv |search DeviceId=ABC, and it returns a row.