Splunk Search

Lookup file question

New Member

I am wanting to use a lookup file to drive search for an alert.  This seems a bit unique as I am not wanting to use event data from results to drive the lookup, but rather have all the lookup entries dynamically added to the search itself. Below is the example use-case:

CSV file example:
Index, ErrorKey
"index1","Error string 1"
"index1","Error string 2"
"index2","Error string 3"

Looking to use it to scale a search like this:

index=index1 OR index=index 2 ("Error string 1" OR "Error string 2" OR "Error string 3")

Basically the index/error string combo could be managed in the csv file as opposed to the alert search itself. Making it easier to add/scale/maintain the search criteria. Is this possible?

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It is not clear what your requirement is - from 

Index, ErrorKey
"index1","Error string 1"
"index1","Error string 2"
"index2","Error string 3"

do you want

(index=index1 AND ErrorKey="Error string 1") OR (index=index1 AND ErrorKey="Error string 2") OR (index=index2 AND ErrorKey="Error string 3") - three combinations


(index=index1 AND ErrorKey="Error string 1") OR (index=index1 AND ErrorKey="Error string 2") OR (index=index1 AND ErrorKey="Error string 3") OR (index=index2 AND ErrorKey="Error string 1") OR (index=index2 AND ErrorKey="Error string 2") OR (index=index2 AND ErrorKey="Error string 3") - six combinations

The first version maintains the combinations from the csv file, whereas the second version is closer to your "expanded" search

Also, instead of searching for the ErrorKey field in your events being equal to the string from the csv file, do you want to search for the string anywhere in the raw event (as your expanded search seems to suggest)?

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New Member

Sorry for the confusion. Option 1 I believe is what I am looking for with the 3 combinations:

(index=index1 AND ErrorKey="Error string 1") OR (index=index1 AND ErrorKey="Error string 2") OR (index=index2 AND ErrorKey="Error string 3")

I am wanting to search for the string anywhere in the raw event. ErrorKey is not a field value in the events and not possible to create this field as the error string in the result data is not standardized.

Thank you for your reply


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Try something like this

[|inputlookup file.csv
| rename Index as index
| rename ErrorKey as query
| fields index query
| format]

You may need to remove some double quotes

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