Anyone know of a way to only return the matching values of a sub search to the string array field in the parent search?
index="email" sourcetype="email_links"
[ search index="sinkholed" sourcetype="bad_http"
| rename raw_host as "extracted_host{}"
| fields "extracted_host{}" ]
| stats dc("rcptto{}") as recipient_dc values("rcptto{}") values("extracted_host{}") values(subject) by from
| sort recipient_dc
The query works fine except I'm getting back more than I want. The results I get back in the "extracted_host{}" field are everything in that particular field value array instead of just the matching criteria. For example, in the sub-search let's say there is a sinkhole domain called The results I see in "extracted_host{}" are:
Would like to only return what matched in the sub-search. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Field "extracted_host{}" in main search is a json array. So when you filter extracted_host{} = in main search all other values in arrays containing will also appear in search results.
You need to expand field extracted_host{} in main search before filtering it with a sub-search.
index="email" sourcetype="email_links"
| mvexpand extracted_host{}
| search
[ search index="sinkholed" sourcetype="bad_http"
| rename raw_host as "extracted_host{}"
| fields "extracted_host{}" ]
| stats dc("rcptto{}") as recipient_dc values("rcptto{}") values("extracted_host{}") values(subject) by from
| sort recipient_dc
Field "extracted_host{}" in main search is a json array. So when you filter extracted_host{} = in main search all other values in arrays containing will also appear in search results.
You need to expand field extracted_host{} in main search before filtering it with a sub-search.
index="email" sourcetype="email_links"
| mvexpand extracted_host{}
| search
[ search index="sinkholed" sourcetype="bad_http"
| rename raw_host as "extracted_host{}"
| fields "extracted_host{}" ]
| stats dc("rcptto{}") as recipient_dc values("rcptto{}") values("extracted_host{}") values(subject) by from
| sort recipient_dc
Thanks! That worked. How would you go about performing this on multiple multi-value fields?
| mvexpand extracted_host{}, url
Welcome! Yes, you can filter on multiple multi-value fields.
<base search>
| mvexpand extracted_host{}
| mvexpand url
| search
[<search> | fields extracted_host{}, url]
I'll presume raw_host
is a multivalue field
Presuming that is the case, do the following:
index=email sourcetype=email_links
| search
[ search index=sinkholed sourcetype=bad_http
| mvexpand raw_host
| stats count by raw_host
| fields - count
| rename raw_host as <field-in-outer-search> ]
| <rest of search>
That should only show you email_links to domains that were sinkholed