I have these two searches below and I want to join the fieldname Path from the first query to the second query using the machine as the unique identifier.
Search 1-
index=ad source=otl_addnsscan name=*nas* type=CNAME NOT ( name=*.opt.com OR name=*app*)
| rex field=data "^(?<machine>[^.]+).*$"
| eval machine = lower(machine)
| search NOT machine=*app*
|eval name=lower(machine)
| table machine, Path
| search NOT
[ search index=summary report=jira_serverrequests Component/s=*Momom*
| eval machine=lower('Server Name')
| table machine]
|dedup machine
| sort machine asc
Search 2 -
index=windows host=*nas* source=WMI:Shares
| rename host as name
|eval name=lower(machine)
| dedup name, Path, Caption | table name, Path, Caption
Please try this below query.
index=ad source=otl_addnsscan name=*nas* type=CNAME NOT ( name=*.options-it.com OR name=*app*)
| rex field=data "^(?<machine>[^.]+).*$"
| eval machine = lower(machine)
| search NOT machine=*app*
|eval name=lower(machine)
| table machine, Path
| search NOT
[ search index=summary report=jira_serverrequests Component/s=*Momom*
| eval machine=lower('Server Name')
| table machine]
|dedup machine
| sort machine asc
| join type=left machine [ search index=windows host=*nas* source=WMI:Shares
|eval machine=lower(host)
| dedup machine, Path, Caption | table machine, Path, Caption ]
Please try this below query.
index=ad source=otl_addnsscan name=*nas* type=CNAME NOT ( name=*.options-it.com OR name=*app*)
| rex field=data "^(?<machine>[^.]+).*$"
| eval machine = lower(machine)
| search NOT machine=*app*
|eval name=lower(machine)
| table machine, Path
| search NOT
[ search index=summary report=jira_serverrequests Component/s=*Momom*
| eval machine=lower('Server Name')
| table machine]
|dedup machine
| sort machine asc
| join type=left machine [ search index=windows host=*nas* source=WMI:Shares
|eval machine=lower(host)
| dedup machine, Path, Caption | table machine, Path, Caption ]
Thank you this returns close to what I'm looking for.
However most machines have multiple different paths for each but this is only returning one path per machine. Any thoughts?
Will you please try this? I am assuming that you have multiple paths in 2nd query.
index=ad source=otl_addnsscan name=*nas* type=CNAME NOT ( name=*.options-it.com OR name=*app*)
| rex field=data "^(?<machine>[^.]+).*$"
| eval machine = lower(machine)
| search NOT machine=*app*
|eval name=lower(machine)
| table machine, Path
| search NOT
[ search index=summary report=jira_serverrequests Component/s=*Momom*
| eval machine=lower('Server Name')
| table machine]
|dedup machine
| sort machine asc
| join type=left machine [ search index=windows host=*nas* source=WMI:Shares
|eval machine=lower(host)
| dedup machine, Path, Caption
| stats values(Path) AS Path, values(Caption) AS Caption by machine
| table machine, Path, Caption ]
| mvexpand Path
Thank you very much this pulls back all paths in the one row!
Sorry to be a pest but is there any way to have each new path as a new row in the table rather than contained in one line?
To expand each Path in new row, I have given | mvexpand Path
in last query. Didn't that worked ?
No unfortunately it didn't work, all paths are listed under Path and the same for Caption
Can you please try below query but this will give you multiple result for single host. For xample you have 2 path and 2 caption for single host then it will generate 4 row in table (1st Path with both Caption so 2 events and 2nd Path with both Caption so another 2 events).
index=ad source=otl_addnsscan name=*nas* type=CNAME NOT ( name=*.options-it.com OR name=*app*)
| rex field=data "^(?<machine>[^.]+).*$"
| eval machine = lower(machine)
| search NOT machine=*app*
|eval name=lower(machine)
| table machine, Path
| search NOT
[ search index=summary report=jira_serverrequests Component/s=*Momom*
| eval machine=lower('Server Name')
| table machine]
|dedup machine
| sort machine asc
| join type=left machine [ search index=windows host=*nas* source=WMI:Shares
|eval machine=lower(host)
| dedup machine, Path, Caption
| stats values(Path) AS Path, values(Caption) AS Caption by machine
| table machine, Path, Caption ]
| makemv delim=" " Path
| makemv delim=" " Caption
| mvexpand Path
| mvexpand Caption
Many thanks, I was able to use an append instead of a left join.
I really appreciate your help!