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Ldap Command line works -- Web-UI does not work

New Member


This is for splunk version 4.3.4, build 136012

I have setup ldap authentication in file : /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/authentication.conf
And looking at the splunkd.log everything seems fine. I can see the LDAP credentials and users being cached. I have tested to reload splunk using the LDAP credentials from the command line and everything works perfectly fine.

Now, THis does NOT work in the web-ui. I cannot log in there using the ldap credentials.
I have tried: Manager » Access controls » Authentication method --> LDAP (as that was inactive)
then : Configure Splunk to use LDAP and map groups (my strategy was there)
and ENABLE it as it looked disabled.
In the end I have "Reload authentication configuration" , even I have restarted the server but I cannot log into the web-ui using the LDAP credentials.

Any idea what I might be missing?


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New Member

In the end it was working all right!! Silly issue with a typo!

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