I have a lookup file with 3 fields - source, status, timestamp. Timestamp is saved as per below:
eval timestamp=strftime(_time,"%d%m%y %H:%M:%S")
Sample data:
ABC, 1, 20/03/21 04:45:46
ABC, 0, 27/03/21 11:17:31
ABC, 1, 29/03/21 14:33:06
ABC, 0, 01/04/21 12:56:41
Search query I am using is - | inputlookup test.csv | sort -TIMESTAMP
result as below:
ABC, 1, 29/03/21 14:33:06
ABC, 0, 27/03/21 11:17:31
ABC, 1, 20/03/21 04:45:46
ABC, 0, 01/04/21 12:56:41
and when I use query - |inputlookup test.csv | sort TIMESTAMP
ABC, 0, 01/04/21 12:56:41
ABC, 1, 20/03/21 04:45:46
ABC, 0, 27/03/21 11:17:31
ABC, 1, 29/03/21 14:33:06
This is weird because sort is happening just based on date! I am not even able to use eval on TIMESTAMP field(result is always empty). Have tried addinfo, where timestamp>now-xxx with no luck.
Not sure I can see the image perfectly but are you doing
strptime(TIMESTAMP, "%d%m%y...")
If so, you are missing the / character in your dates between day month year
Also, reiterating the others, whenever dealing with dates, use epoch for calculations or if using strings, always use %F %T (shorthand for %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) as that will give you consistency if having to treat them as strings
Hi @sdkp03,
Since TIMESTAMP values are string , in order to be sort as time you need to change to epoc or %Y%m%d%H%M%S. Epoc is easier for your case, please try below;
| inputlookup test.csv
| eval timestamp=strptime(TIMESTAMP,"%d%m%y %H:%M:%S")
| sort - timestamp
| fields - timestamp
As posted in the description eval on TIMESTAMP isn't working. Please see below attached snapshot, eval timestamp is blank.
Not sure I can see the image perfectly but are you doing
strptime(TIMESTAMP, "%d%m%y...")
If so, you are missing the / character in your dates between day month year
Also, reiterating the others, whenever dealing with dates, use epoch for calculations or if using strings, always use %F %T (shorthand for %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) as that will give you consistency if having to treat them as strings
Missing / was the issue. Thanks for pointing that out. Its working as expected now 🙂
What he said above.... However, if you want to display the timestamp in Human readable then I would do a
| sort -timestamp