Does splunk rex have a concept of doing a .*, in the rex function? I basically want to search for any character followed by a comma.
Does "any character" include commas too?
If not, you can possibly do it like this:
Which reads as 1 or more non-comma characters followed by a comma.
You can then group all of that in a token you want to capture, and problem solved.
| rex "(?<fieldnameFoo>[^\,]+)\,"
In regex . stands for any character and \, stands for comma.
| rex (?<anyChar>.)\,
Should work
However if you're not wanting to extract the field and instead you're just searching for it, use the regex command.
| regex .\,
I tried the rex command like below and it did not work as per your suggestion
index="md_dev" ( "Subscribe for") | rex max_match=0 "(?identifier=.*\,)"
also tried
index="md_dev" ( "Subscribe for") | rex max_match=0 "(?identifier=[.]*\,)"
which did not work
Does "any character" include commas too?
If not, you can possibly do it like this:
Which reads as 1 or more non-comma characters followed by a comma.
You can then group all of that in a token you want to capture, and problem solved.
| rex "(?<fieldnameFoo>[^\,]+)\,"
Thanks. I tried what you suggested and it worked.