When we try to deploy an app from deployer, the only one message after we "apply shcluster-bundle" is
Bundle has been pushed successfully to all the cluster members
Is there any command like we use on the master node, "show cluster-bundle-status" ???
It will list some information about the active bundle, last bundle, or service status is restarting or something else.
Like the pictures, we can check the active bundle is the same, or the service status is up or just restarting.
I found that if I run command on the deployer
ps - aux | grep bundle
I can then see if the process is still running or not
Hope this helps!
Hi @ken_liu,
As far as I know there are no such commands to check bundle status from Deployer server. But you can check Search Head Cluster status on any Search Head Cluster member with command $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk show shcluster-status
Additionally if you are using Monitoring Console
then you will able to monitor many more things for Search Head Cluster.
I hope this helps.
thanks your response 😞