I'm trying to create a timechart by combining running jobs data from two source.
The first set of data being the jobs detail captured every 5 minutes.
Second set of data is the threshold (this value could change,although not frequent) captured every 6 hours.
I'm using a left join to join the two dataset, and downfill to fill in the empty field in the "threshold" field.
Everything works fine until the last step, plotting the timechart.
So I'm using command like this
timechart span=5m count(jobid),max(threshold) by status
The problem with the above command is, although the threshold line shows correct value, it generates threshold lines per status
Is there a way to create timechart and not "grouping" certain fields?
What I want to achiveve is to plot a timechart where my number of jobs are group by status, and at the same time, show only one line of "threshold"
Thank you!
*** adding a eval threshold= wont work for me as my threshold value will change over time.
@crap30 ,
Try removing it from the result
timechart span=5m count(jobid),max(threshold) as dummy by status
| foreach dummy* [eval threshold='<<FIELD>>']|fields - dummy*
@crap30 ,
Try removing it from the result
timechart span=5m count(jobid),max(threshold) as dummy by status
| foreach dummy* [eval threshold='<<FIELD>>']|fields - dummy*
Thank you! Works like a charm.