Splunk Search

Is it possible to run a search within an eval if statement?

New Member


I am wondering if it possible to do a search within an "if" statement. I have tried what I have in the search below, but it does not appear to be working. Any assistance is helpful. Please be aware this is just a test search to see if this is possible, the search within the if statement will be changed at a later time.

|inputlookup TEST.csv 
| lookup Valid_Email mail as Recipient OUTPUT mail as Valid_User type as type dn as DN 
| where !isnull(Valid_User) AND type="Group" 
| fields - Valid_User message_id 
|ldapfilter search="(memberOf=$DN$)" attrs="mail"
|rename mail AS Recipient   
|eval type1=if(type="Group", [search index=[INDEX] host=[HOST] |table host], "")   
|table Recipient Subject type 


0 Karma

Revered Legend

As long as you search is returning a string/number, in single row that can be assigned/used in eval expression, it'll work.

|inputlookup TEST.csv 
 | lookup Valid_Email mail as Recipient OUTPUT mail as Valid_User type as type dn as DN 
 | where !isnull(Valid_User) AND type="Group" 
 | fields - Valid_User message_id 
 |ldapfilter search="(memberOf=$DN$)" attrs="mail"
 |rename mail AS Recipient   
 |eval type1=if(type="Group", [search index=[INDEX] host=[HOST] |table host | head 1 | eval search="\"".host."\"" | table search ], "")   
 |table Recipient Subject type

So the subsearch within eval is returning just single string value, enclosed in double quotes.

Path Finder

I have the same issue, however my search returns a table. Based on the if condition one of two searches is executed and the return type in both cases is a table. Any suggestions?

0 Karma


Unfortunately, all my numerous tests show that the query in the test case will run regardless of the tests results.

0 Karma

New Member

I ran the search you provided(I changed some of the wording to fit my environment) I keep getting this error. Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. An unexpected character is reached at ') , "")'. Any idea as to why this is happening?

0 Karma


I think you need to use return host or return $host after head 1 | instead of the eval search ... | table search

something like

|eval type1=if(type="Group", [search index=[INDEX] host=[HOST] |table host | head 1 | return host], "") 


|eval type1=if(type="Group", [search index=[INDEX] host=[HOST] |table host | head 1 | return $host], "") 
0 Karma


Your second search worked. We have to put return $field.

0 Karma
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