I'm writing json NLog files from Visual Studio into Splunk (with NLog WebService target).
In my Splunk search results, if I filter my search with "Add to search" it works (because of "spath" so it seems, that gets added automatically):
Splunk search: ...| spath Message | search Message="Villa við að...." | sort -Date
(the raw json data: "Message": "Villa vi\u00f0 a\u00f0 )
\u00f0 is an Icelandic unicode character:
However, if I click the "Message" property value on the left in "Interesting fields", I get "No results found". The splunk search doesn't add the "spath" to the search:
Splunk search: ...Message="Villa við að stofna liabilityevaluationclaimholders." | sort -Date
One solution would be to automacially add "spath" whenever somebody clicks a property value in "Interesting fields". Is that possible (just like is done when you add the property value as a filter in the search results)?
Or is there a more obvious solution (not requiring "spath" in the search)?
Thanks a lot,