IS there any script or how we can check SPlunk agent is inactive in user server.
I received email or notification If SPlunk agent is not running on user servers.
Any update?
Do you maintain an up to date list of all the servers in your environment?
You could write a script, but why don't you use the Monitoring Console? If you configured your Splunk to send emails then it can email you when a forwarder is missing, too.
Look at the bottom of this screen shot.
You can get started with the Monitoring Console here:
We are checking status in Deployment Server But If agent goes down We are not aware in which server or which application is impacted Is there any script , query or How we notify automatically tell us in Which server agent is down.
If the agent (UF) goes down then this will tell you it has stopped. That is what "missing" means.
You can use Deployment server to manage agents(fowrwarders) which usually phoning home to deployemnet server
to know agent status you can use following search and configure alert for specific host
index=_internal (phonehome component=DC*) OR (component=DC:HandshakeReplyHandler) host=hostname
| sort _time
| table _time host log_level message
it is from
Thanks Andrey We are checking status in Deployment Server But If agent goes down We are not aware in which server or which application is impacted Is there any script , query or How we notify automatically tell us in Which server agent is down.
You can check if splunk is active by running splunk status
on the CLI.