is there a way to add the classic /g option for RegEX in INLINE RegEX extractor for Splunk (props), without using command rex or other tranformations?
With a classical regex, "/SerialNumber=(?P<sn>\d+)/g" i can found "12345" & "67890".
Same with an SPL "rex max-match=0 "SerialNumber=(?P<sn>\d+)".
But how to do it in INLINE extraction?
I got rid of the "problem" using extraction of "sn1" & "sn2" fields and transforming them with an eval transformation ("sn = sn1.' , '.sn2") and it works fine. But if, tomorrow, i'll find something like
Without the rex i would be in trouble!
Have you tried
MV_ADD = true
Ok with props & transforms solution.
Ticking the "create mv fields", adds the MV_ADD to transforms and does the trick.
I was going to prefer to only use props, but it's ok 👍👍👍
ps. the "(?g)" text in regex INLINE gives errors in regex format.
Thanks all 😊
Mmmmm... where? 🙄😁 ... in transforms.conf?
So there is no WebIf option to do it?
have you try to use (?g) on beginning of regex? Another option is use transforms and then MV as @ITWhisperer already proposed.
r. Ismo
I'll try the "?g" on beginning. I tried the "/g" at the end, but without success 😏
I prefer to only use props and not also transforms.
Thanks anyway.