Hello Community,
How would I extract fields from raw data containing auto populated numbers in the fields I am trying to extract? The below example is field containing raw data. Notice the numbers inside the bracket. The numbers are not the same for events and will auto change from 1 to 2 digits. For the below example, I would like to extract values for user_id, NAME, and Car. What would be the rex command?
Event 1 for _raw field:
user_id:[4] "peter1234" NAME:[10] "Peter" Car:[3] "Pinto"
Event 2 for _raw field:
user_id:[11] "peter1234" NAME:[5] "Peter" Car:[9] "Gremlin"
Thank You for any assistance.
Run them as separate rex commands
| rex "user_id:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<user_id>[^\"]+)"
| rex "NAME:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<NAME>[^\"]+)"
| rex "Car:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<Car>[^\"]+)"
Thank you @ITWhisperer . Works great when all the events have same fields attempting to extract from the raw data. The rex command is limited when extracting and displaying multiple fields not found on events. For example, the below will fill data in the user_id field for all events
| rex "user_id:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<user_id>[^\"]+)
But when I have an event that displays data not found on another event, the fields would only be extracted for certain event. Below is example:
Event 1 for _raw field (Notice the data for option):
session_id:[3] "33445" user_id:[4] "peter1234" option:[4] "67" NAME:[10] "Peter" Car:[3] "Pinto"
Event 2 for _raw field (option is not listed):
session_id:[3] "33445" user_id:[11] "peter1234" NAME:[5] "Peter" Car:[9] "Gremlin"
Event 3 for _raw field (option and NAME is not listed):
session_id:[3] "33445" user_id:[11] "peter1234" Car:[9] "Gremlin"
When I run the rex example to only extract user_id and NAME, data would only be filled for records similar to Event 1. Data similar to Event 2 or Event 3 would not display data even though user_id exists with the raw data for events. After further testing, I noticed extracted fields will only display on all events if the same extracted field displays in all events within the raw data.
| rex "user_id:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<user_id>[^\"]+).+NAME:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<NAME>[^\"]+)"
Is there a way to run the rex command to display extracted data on all events even if certain events have no data? Based on the above example, I would want
event 1 to display the user_id data and NAME data
event 2 to display user_id data and NAME data
event 3 to display user_id data.
Also, if I am extracting data for example OS$USERID:[11] "peter1234", would the rex command be
| rex "OS.USERID:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<os_userid>[^\"]+)
Run them as separate rex commands
| rex "user_id:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<user_id>[^\"]+)"
| rex "NAME:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<NAME>[^\"]+)"
| rex "Car:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<Car>[^\"]+)"
| rex "user_id:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<user_id>[^\"]+).+NAME:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<NAME>[^\"]+).+Car:\[\d+\]\s\"(?<Car>[^\"]+)"