this took at least three days of my life but I still couldn't handle it, please, I need help
I have a data file includes output of nmap traces (couple of traces on different times on each IP) in our subnet like this:
host starttime="1402600202" endtime="1402601288" status state="up" reason="echo-reply" address addr="" addrtype="ipv4" hostnames hostname name="sunvirt01.srv.be" type="PTR" hostnames ports extraports state="filtered" count="985" extrareasons reason="no-responses" count="985" extraports: port protocol="tcp" portid="20" state state="closed" reason="reset" reason_ttl="63" service name="ftp-data" method="table" conf="3" port port protocol="tcp" portid="21" state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="63"/ service name="ftp" product="ProFTPD" method="probed" conf="10" cpe cpe:/a:proftpd:proftpd cpe service port port protocol="tcp" portid="22" port protocol="tcp" portid="222" state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="63" service name="tcpwrapped" method="probed" ...
(os)portused state="open" proto="tcp" portid="21"/ portused state="closed" proto="tcp" portid="20"/ osmatch name="Linux 3.0" accuracy="99" line="47080" (...)
what I need is a table to show the IP address and "open" Ports on that machine beside the service(s) are using that open port, something like this(e.g):
------ -----IP ----- ------- Ports ----- ----- Service -------21------------------ ftp
(if there are more open ports o one host they have to be listed below "Ports" by their services)
I'm using this regex: (?i) portid="(?P
21 --- ftp
80 --- http
or like this one:
20 ---
443 --- http
21 ---- ftp
( I mean I need the duplicate values to be removed (or not detected) or values with "/" at the end which I have no idea about them!) can you give me some hint or the right regex I have to used to extract only open ports (once without considering duplicates at the rest)?
I've even tried this one but still doesn't work properly... :
rex max_match=10 "(?i) portid=\"(?P
I think this is related to part after (os) or at least tell me what's the meanin of that part that repeats the result? or how can I ignore that part in my search?
I'm waiting for any kind of help,
Thanks in advance
This is how I parse .gnmap files.
| eval ports=split(_raw,",")
| mvexpand ports
| Search ports!="*host*"
| rex field=_raw "Host:\s(?<dest_ip>\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)\s+\((?<fqdn>.*)\)"
| rex field=ports "(?<port>\d+)\/+(?<status>\w+)\/+(?<proto>\w+)\/+(?<desc>\w+|\/)"
| rex field=_raw "OS:\s(?<os>\w+)"
| table dest_ip fqdn port status proto desc os
what does this line do ?
| foreach %* [eval <>=mvindex(<>,0)]
Extraneous, I will remove it.
Assuming that for each port mentioned in log we have "portid=", "state=" and "service name=" then this might work
your base search | rex field=_raw "addr=\"(?< ip>[^\"]+)" max_match=10 | rex field=_raw "portid=\"(?< port>[^\"]+)" max_match=10 | rex field=_raw "state=\"(?< state>[^\"]+)" max_match=10 | rex field=_raw "service name=\"(?< service>[^\"]+)" max_match=10 | eval allFields= if(match(state, "open"), mvzip(port, service), "") | table ip, allFields
Note: Due to formatting issue, each field **< ip>, < port>, < state>, < service_name> ** has a space between "<" and first letter of field name. Remove those spaces when runnign the query
Keep max_match according to your need
Check if this works (?i)portid=\"(?P