Hi ,
I need a query for including non business hours and weekends
Hi @avinasa,
if you want toexclude only non working hours and weekends, you could use the solution from @smurf .
If instead you want to manage also holydays, you have to create a lookup containing all the days in a year, called e.g. cal.csv with two columns:
For the Day column choose a forma and use always the same.
For the Type column, I usually use three values:
in this way you can insert in your search the condition:
| eval Day=strftime(_time,"%d/%m/%Y")
| lookup cal.csv Day OUTPUT Type
| eval Hour=strftime(_time,"%H")
| eval Minute=strftime(_time,"%M")
| search Type=2 OR (Type=1 (Hour>14 OR (Hour<7 AND Minute<45))) OR (Type=0 (Hour>20 OR (Hour<8 AND Minute<45)))
I prefrered also created a macro do do this.
| eval date_hour = strftime(_time, "%k"), date_wday = strftime(_time, "%A")
| search date_wday IN ("saturday", "sunday") OR (date_hour > 18 AND date_hour < 7)
change the times to your likings. usually the date_* fields are included, so you might not need the eval at all.