I have found many searches using lookup files, but none works correctly for me What is the correct search to get this?:
My event :
Date, URL, IP
My lookup CSV file:
City, Street, SubnetIP
I want to match the IP on my event with the SubnetIP of my CSV file to get this result
Result :
Date, URL, IP ( it matches witch SubnetIP), CITY
Kind regards
base search [|inputlookup lookup.csv|rename SubnetIP AS IP|table IP] --> it returns the results matching with the event and the lookup table
to derive city from the lookup table |lookup lookup.csv SubnetIP AS IP OUTPUT CITY
The total search query is going to be
base search [|inputlookup lookup.csv|rename SubnetIP AS IP|table IP]||lookup lookup.csv SubnetIP AS IP OUTPUT CITY | table Date URL IP City
base search [|inputlookup lookup.csv|rename SubnetIP AS IP|table IP] --> it returns the results matching with the event and the lookup table
to derive city from the lookup table |lookup lookup.csv SubnetIP AS IP OUTPUT CITY
The total search query is going to be
base search [|inputlookup lookup.csv|rename SubnetIP AS IP|table IP]||lookup lookup.csv SubnetIP AS IP OUTPUT CITY | table Date URL IP City
Indeed this search seems to works !
Really usefull thanks
Try this
... | lookup lokupfile.csv SubnetIP as IP OUTPUT City | table Date URL IP City