Is it possible to write a search that shows all saved searches, reports & lookup tables that are shared globally?
Thanks in advance
Run the below 2 searches -
1) Searches & Reports - | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | rename "eai:acl.owner" as owner,"eai:acl.sharing" as sharing,"eai:acl.app" as app | table title owner app sharing | where sharing="global"
2) Lookup table files - | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/lookup-table-files | rename "eai:acl.owner" as owner,"eai:acl.sharing" as sharing,"eai:acl.app" as app | table title owner app sharing | where sharing="global"
Run the below 2 searches -
1) Searches & Reports - | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | rename "eai:acl.owner" as owner,"eai:acl.sharing" as sharing,"eai:acl.app" as app | table title owner app sharing | where sharing="global"
2) Lookup table files - | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/lookup-table-files | rename "eai:acl.owner" as owner,"eai:acl.sharing" as sharing,"eai:acl.app" as app | table title owner app sharing | where sharing="global"
Awesome thanks, it there something similar for dashboards as well?
Yes, the rest endpoint will let you access all configuration -
Views - | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views/ | rename "eai:acl.owner" as owner,"eai:acl.sharing" as sharing,"eai:acl.app" as app | table title owner app sharing | where sharing="global"