We have events which contain key value pairs separated by a colon :
Here is the sample event:
<6>2016-11-22T16:29:37Z v26l5klvoo3 doppler[21]: {"cf_app_id":"19351f6f-d125-4322-88ed-926e8f578e16","cf_app_name":"nam-rds-gpu-drag-payment-mq","cf_org_id":"d58e8896-6150-4f89-806b-c28464ba7e22","cf_org_name":"NAM-US-verizon","cf_origin":"firehorse","cf_space_id":"52223ed6-a3c5-4955-a6f8-be6c9649e215","cf_space_name":"RDS-DEV1","event_type":"LogMessage","level":"info","message_type":"OUT","msg":"[2016-11-22 16:29:37,017] DiscoveryClient-CacheRefreshExecutor-0 (DiscoveryClient.java:1064) DEBUG - Got delta update with apps hashcode UP_45_","origin":"rep","source_instance":"0","source_type":"APP","time":"2016-11-22T16:29:37Z","timestamp":1479832177017862007}
Key value pairs are with in curly brackets { }
Example: cf_space_name":"RDS-DEV1" this is one key value pair
Can you please help us to write a regular expression for the above sample event.
Try this one:
REGEX= (?ism)"(\w+)":"([^"]+)|timestamp":(?P\d+)
FORMAT = $1:$2
Try this
REGEX = "([^"]+)":"([^"]+)
FORMAT = $1:$2
Apologies @sundareshr and @rajgowd1 I accidentally clicked the Accept button. I unaccepted it since this question is still unresolved.
Hi Sundaresh,
when i try index=myindex | rex "([^"]+)":"([^"]+)
getting error like Mismatched ']'. but the same expression is working in regex101
am i missing any here?
If you're using it in rex, you'll need to escape the quote. Try this
... | rex "\"(?<key>[^\"]+)\":\"(?<value>[^\"]+)" max_match=0
With this, key
and value
will be mvfields, to access a specific value, you will have to use mvindex(key, n)
etc. I would not recommed this approach.
The other thing you could try is the extract command
... | extract kvdelim=":" pairdelim=","
This may work better for your case
thank you.you are genius.regular expression and extract both are working as expected