Splunk Search

How to use top command (or stats with sort) results with another top command or subsearch?

Path Finder

Hello all,

I'm trying to get the stats commands to work in chain. I have the following data:

08 January 2016 09:10:10 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah1
08 January 2016 09:10:11 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2
08 January 2016 09:10:12 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2x
08 January 2016 09:10:13 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2xxx
08 January 2016 09:10:14 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2xxx
08 January 2016 09:10:15 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2xxxxx
08 January 2016 09:10:16 website=abc.com, user=user2, message=blahblah3x
08 January 2016 09:10:17 website=abc.com, user=user2, message=blahblah3xx
08 January 2016 09:10:18 website=abc.com, user=user2, message=blahblah3
08 January 2016 09:10:19 website=abc.com, user=user3, message=blahblah4
08 January 2016 09:10:20 website=def.com, user=user1, message=blahblah5
08 January 2016 09:10:21 website=def.com, user=user2, message=blahblah6
08 January 2016 09:10:22 website=def.com, user=user2, message=blahblah7
08 January 2016 09:10:23 website=def.com, user=user2, message=blahblah8
08 January 2016 09:10:24 website=xyz.com, user=user3, message=blahblah9

And I want to get the Top 2 websites listing for only Top 2 users per website; hence the following table output is what I'm trying to get:

Website User
abc.com user1
abc.com user2
def.com user2
def.com user1

I was looking into foreach command, but that does not allow me to use top/stats. E.g:

… | top limit=2 website | foreach website [ search website=<<FIELD>> | top limit=2 user ]

I’d appreciate any feedback.

0 Karma
1 Solution

Super Champion

I would use a subsearch:

# Top websites for top 2 users
yoursearch [ yoursearch | top limit=2 user | table user]
| top limit=0 website, user

# Top users for top 2 websites
yoursearch [ yoursearch | top limit=2 website | table website]
| top limit=0 website, user

View solution in original post

New Member

| makeresults
| eval data="
08 January 2016 09:10:10 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah1;
08 January 2016 09:10:11 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2;
08 January 2016 09:10:12 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2x;
08 January 2016 09:10:13 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2xxx;
08 January 2016 09:10:14 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2xxx;
08 January 2016 09:10:15 website=abc.com, user=user1, message=blahblah2xxxxx;
08 January 2016 09:10:16 website=abc.com, user=user2, message=blahblah3x;
08 January 2016 09:10:17 website=abc.com, user=user2, message=blahblah3xx;
08 January 2016 09:10:18 website=abc.com, user=user2, message=blahblah3;
08 January 2016 09:10:19 website=abc.com, user=user3, message=blahblah4;
08 January 2016 09:10:20 website=def.com, user=user1, message=blahblah5;
08 January 2016 09:10:21 website=def.com, user=user2, message=blahblah6;
08 January 2016 09:10:22 website=def.com, user=user2, message=blahblah7;
08 January 2016 09:10:23 website=def.com, user=user2, message=blahblah8;
08 January 2016 09:10:24 website=xyz.com, user=user3, message=blahblah9"
| makemv data delim=";"
| mvexpand data
| rex field=data "(?<Timestamp>\d+\s\w+\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\s[^\s]+=(?<website>[^\s]+),\s[^\s]+=(?<user>[^\s]+),\s[^\s]+=(?<message>[^\s]+)"
| table website user
| top 2 user by website showcount=f showperc=f
| rename user as User, website as Website

0 Karma


If you have always four records finally ie 2 websites * 2 users , try this .

<search> |table user website |top limit=2 user by website|head 4

It can't be that simple i believe. I should be missing something 🙂

What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂
0 Karma

Super Champion

I would use a subsearch:

# Top websites for top 2 users
yoursearch [ yoursearch | top limit=2 user | table user]
| top limit=0 website, user

# Top users for top 2 websites
yoursearch [ yoursearch | top limit=2 website | table website]
| top limit=0 website, user

Path Finder

Thank you javiergn. This helped me find out the solution as the following:

mysearchstring  [ mysearchstring | top limit=2 website | table website ] | stats count by website,user  | sort +website,-count | dedup 2 website

first limit is for top websites and limiting the dedup is for top users per website.

0 Karma

Path Finder

I wanted to add another quick comment on the solution. The one I put up there did not properly sort the results. I wanted the results to be grouped by websites (top websites by count or another field value, eg. bandwidth). I tried something like the following (2 subsearches):

mysearchstring [ mysearchstring | top limit=2 website | table website ] [search [ mysearchstring | top limit=2 website | table website ] | stats count by user | sort 2 -count| table user] | stats count by website,user

But this also does not group properly and seems costly. In order to sort, I had to add a sort_field to each event and then use that. For this, I used eventstats to compute a new field and use the average of that when evaluating sort_field.

mysearchstring  [ mysearchstring | top limit=2 website | table website ] | eventstats count AS sortcount by website | stats count, avg(sortcount) AS sort_field by website,user  | dedup 2 website | sort -sort_field | fields website, user
0 Karma
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