Currently I have used a similar query to what is below to plot data on a 24 hour graph.
index=mock_index source=mock_source.log param1 param2 param3
| rex field=_raw "Latency: (?<latency>[0-9]+)"
| eval time = mvjoin(mvindex(split(_raw, " "), 0, 1), " ")
| eval time = strptime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N")
| table time, latency
An example event:
2022-08-16 14:04:34,123 INFO [stuff] Latency: 55 [stuff]
Ideally I would like to get latency averages over 5 minute periods, and display the data to a graph where the x-axis labels 30 minute intervals. Given this goal, is strptime() the best way to manage the timestamps in my events?
why not use just timechart command?
index=mock_index source=mock_source.log param1 param2 param3
| rex field=_raw "Latency: (?<latency>[0-9]+)"
| timechart span=5m avg(latency) as latency
I expecting that your event's _time is same as your examples date + time.
r. Ismo
why not use just timechart command?
index=mock_index source=mock_source.log param1 param2 param3
| rex field=_raw "Latency: (?<latency>[0-9]+)"
| timechart span=5m avg(latency) as latency
I expecting that your event's _time is same as your examples date + time.
r. Ismo