My requirement is to utilize the results of the sub-search and use it with the results of the main search results, but the sourcetype/source is different for the main search and sub-search, Im not getting the excepted results when using format command or $field_name,
inputlookup host.csv - consists of list of hosts to be monitored
main search
index=abc source=cpu sourcetype=cpu CPU=all [| inputlookup host.csv ] | eval host=mvindex(split(host,"."),0) | stats avg(pctIdle) AS CPU_Idle by host | eval CPU_Idle=round(CPU_Idle,0) | eval warning=15, critical=10 | where CPU_Idle<=warning | sort CPU_Idle sub-search [search index=abc source=top | dedup USER | return $USER]
there is a field host , which is common in both, ,the events from index=abc source=cpu sourcetype=cpu does not contain a USER field, since the USER field is there when source=top, not in source=cpu
What are you trying to achieve with the events from both searches? In what way are you trying to "utilise" the sub-search? Can you give an example of your expected / desired result?