hi, i'm looking at the documentation (http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.1.1/SearchReference/Chart) and I'm wondering how I can format my chart-table output?
I have a search similar to this:
earliest=5/12/2014:00:00:00 latest=5/13/2014:00:00:00 index=test1 | stats sum(duration) AS duration by type city | eventstats sum(duration) AS city_duration by city | appendpipe [ stats sum(duration) AS duration by type | eval city="ALL" | eventstats sum(duration) AS city_duration by city ] | eval p_duration=round(duration*100/city_duration, 4)." %" | chart limit=0 last(duration) AS Total last(p_duration) AS Percent by type city
The output I am getting has column headers, for example:
Type Total:New York Total:Buffalo Total:Toronto ... Percent:New York Percent:Buffalo Percent:Toronto
But instead, I'm looking for a result set with the following column headers:
Type New York:Total New York:Percent ...
essentially, I want the Total/Percent to be displayed after the city name. I'm looking at the format optional argument and I can't seem to make it work. Any help or examples greatly appreciated!
You would do something like this:
index=* earliest=-5m | chart format="$VAL$:$AGG$" count, first(_time) by host, splunk_server
Note that this is something new in Splunk 6...if you're on Splunk 5 you'll get an error about the format option.
You would do something like this:
index=* earliest=-5m | chart format="$VAL$:$AGG$" count, first(_time) by host, splunk_server
Note that this is something new in Splunk 6...if you're on Splunk 5 you'll get an error about the format option.
great, i'll give it a shot. thanks for the help!
Would something like this pattern be sufficient...you end up with rows of each tuple. Example using the search I had above:
index=* earliest=-5m | eval marker=splunk_server." - ".host | chart count, first(_time) as timestamp by marker
Example with the last part of your search:
... | eval marker=city."=".type | chart limit=0 last(duration) AS Total last(p_duration) AS Percent by marker
thanks for the note on the version. didn't notice that before. yes, I'm on Splunk 5... so is there any other way? since format is not supported on Splunk 5?