For example.
Is there any way to convert this:
into this?
Don't care about the numbers but the value of the second column (new) is a substr of the previous headers. Of course there are many other different "Disks".
Try like this
your current search giving table in first screenshot
| untable _time fieldname fieldval
| eval fieldname=replace(fieldname,"^(.+_)(Avg_.+)","\2")
| xyseries _time fieldname fieldval
If above works for you, look at definition of untable/xyseries command here, to understand the usage better:
Try like this
your current search giving table in first screenshot
| untable _time fieldname fieldval
| eval fieldname=replace(fieldname,"^(.+_)(Avg_.+)","\2")
| xyseries _time fieldname fieldval
If above works for you, look at definition of untable/xyseries command here, to understand the usage better:
Almost there. Missing the "removed field prefix" as a new column value.
I didn't understand. What are you getting now and what's expected?
If you can provide a sample event we can probably figure this out.
Here is the sample:!AsmV0Jvla5SrgW-CydStfrht3ep6
| rex field=PhysicalDisk_0_C_Avg__Disk_Bytes_Read "(?<DRIVE>\w+\_\d\_\w)\_(?<AVDBR>.[^\s]+)"
See if that works.
Nope. New fields are empty...