I have the following stanza on the transforms.conf which actually splits commands separated by characters like |, &, ; etc. and extracts arguments in a separate field
SOURCE_KEY = activity
REGEX =((?<prefix>[^|&#; ]*\/)?(?<command>[^|&#; ]+)( *(?<arguments>[^&|#;]*(-exec)|[^&|#;]*))?)
And I have the field extraction for "activity" in props.conf as follows
EXTRACT-syslog_username_command_sudo = (sudo|dzdo).* (?<username>[^\s]+) :.*USER=(?<target_account>\S+).*COMMAND=(?<activity>.+)
This actually works well and splits the values of activity field into command and arguments
Now how can I implement the same on a search query and create the fields "command" and "arguments" instead of creating those field extractions on transforms.conf
The following the query I came across so far and not sure what's the stanza in rex for creating the fields "command" and "arguments" which actually splits the "command" field by using the transforms.conf stanza.
| rex field=_raw "(sudo|dzdo).* (?<username>[^\s]+) :.*USER=(?<target_account>\S+).*COMMAND=(?<activity>.+)"
Any help would be great.
Thanks in Advance.
Try these
| rex field=_raw "(sudo|dzdo).* (?<username>[^\s]+) :.*USER=(?<target_account>\S+).*COMMAND=(?<activity>(?<prefix>[^|&#; ]*\/)?(?<command>[^|&#; ]+)( *(?<arguments>[^&|#;]*(-exec)|[^&|#;]*))?)"
| rex field=_raw "(sudo|dzdo).* (?<username>[^\s]+) :.*USER=(?<target_account>\S+).*COMMAND=(?<activity>.+)"
| rex field=activity max_match=0 "((?<prefix>[^|&#; ]*\/)?(?<command>[^|&#; ]+)( *(?<arguments>[^&|#;]*(-exec)|[^&|#;]*))?)"
Try these
| rex field=_raw "(sudo|dzdo).* (?<username>[^\s]+) :.*USER=(?<target_account>\S+).*COMMAND=(?<activity>(?<prefix>[^|&#; ]*\/)?(?<command>[^|&#; ]+)( *(?<arguments>[^&|#;]*(-exec)|[^&|#;]*))?)"
| rex field=_raw "(sudo|dzdo).* (?<username>[^\s]+) :.*USER=(?<target_account>\S+).*COMMAND=(?<activity>.+)"
| rex field=activity max_match=0 "((?<prefix>[^|&#; ]*\/)?(?<command>[^|&#; ]+)( *(?<arguments>[^&|#;]*(-exec)|[^&|#;]*))?)"
Thank you @ somesoni. That worked perfect.
You pretty much have the answer in your transforms. "Your search"|REGEX _raw=((?[^|&#; ]\/)?(?[^|&#; ]+)( *(?[^&|#;](-exec)|[^&|#;]*))?)
Thanks for your response @mydog8it . It didn't give me what I'm looking for. It did worked without any error but it just getting the timestamp values under both "command" and "arguments" like may under "command" and the rest of time under "arguments" but I'm actually trying break the values of "activity" field into both "command" and "arguments".
I'm not exactly sure how to tell in rex to apply the field extraction for a specific field. Tried the below but got an error.
| rex field=_raw "(sudo|dzdo).* (?<username>[^\s]+) :.*USER=(?<target_account>\S+).*COMMAND=(?<activity>.+)"
| rex field=_raw "((?<prefix>[^|&#; ]*\/)?(?<command>[^|&#; ]+)( *(?<arguments>[^&|#;]*(-exec)|[^&|#;]*))?)" in activity
| search activity!=null
| table username target_account activity command arguments
error :- Error in 'rex' command: Invalid argument: 'in'