I have a query that trigger when a user has been added to a specific types of groups.
The query depends on lookup with 2 columns inside (one for group_name, Another for Severity).
I want to find any event of adding to one of the monitored groups, But also to enrich my final table with the severity right next to the group_name.
I have tried to resolve this using:
| join type=left group_name
[| inputlookup my_list.csv]
| where isnotnull(Severity)
But somehow only 2 groups with low severity is being found even though all the groups in the list has its own severity.
How can I managed to make my table show the group with its severity?
Hi @Eyal,
for joinining a lookup you don't need the join command that anyway shoud be avoided all the times and used only when there isn't any other solution.
You can use the lookup command that's a left join, something like this:
| lookup my_list.csv group_name OUTPUT Severity
| where isnotnull(Severity)
if the field to use gor joining is different beteen the main swarch and the lookup, you can use AS.
for more infos see at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.1/SearchReference/Lookup
Hi Giuseppe thank you for your help it worked 🙂
Hi @Eyal,
for joinining a lookup you don't need the join command that anyway shoud be avoided all the times and used only when there isn't any other solution.
You can use the lookup command that's a left join, something like this:
| lookup my_list.csv group_name OUTPUT Severity
| where isnotnull(Severity)
if the field to use gor joining is different beteen the main swarch and the lookup, you can use AS.
for more infos see at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.1/SearchReference/Lookup