Created a lookup file with static Latitude and Longitude for 2 countries and used this search:
| inputlookup test_geo_db | geostats count
But I can't see map plotted with it?
What are the field names for latitude
and longitude
in the lookup test_geo_db
If you have not used the arguments latfield
and longfield
along with geostats it assumes default latitude and longitude fields as lat
and lon
respectively. Refer to Splunk documentation for proper use of geostats.
I do not get any results for this string -
| inputlookup test_geo_db | geostats latfield=eventlat longfield=eventlong
you have to pass file names same as the lookup file i.e.
| inputlookup test_geo_db | geostats latfield=latitude longfield=longitutude
Can you please share the results of | inputlookup test_geo_db
? and if you could tell us what do you see as the result if you can't see the map it would be helpful. Thanks.
I can see results for :
| inputlookup test_geo_db as
hostname latitude longitutude
us 32.7767 96.797
em 52.1386 0.4668
I do not see any points on the MAP