Hello fellow splunkers!
I'm getting these results from my splunk search but struggling to find a way to summarize the last numbers from the results. In the example below (31 + 3 + 98 + 7 + 35) and get a total count of 174 which I could display as a new field?
Just started using splunk and will take some training but thought one of the experts out there might have be able to help.
Best regards and thanks!
index="logs" sourcetype="_json"
| extract pairdelim="{,}" kvdelim=":" |fields message,robotName,timeStamp,Level,processName| search message="G3*Total Claims count is - *" processName="GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher" robotName="Unattended_Robot73"| table timeStamp,Level,processName,robotName,message| dedup message | sort -timeStamp
2023-04-17T16:45:41.1960125Z |
Info |
GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher |
Unattended_Robot73 |
G3 --- Total Claims count is - 31 |
2023-04-17T16:44:16.8150041Z |
Info |
GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher |
Unattended_Robot73 |
G3 --- Total Claims count is - 3 |
2023-04-17T10:00:44.2792246Z |
Info |
GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher |
Unattended_Robot73 |
G3 --- Total Claims count is - 98 |
2023-04-17T10:00:21.3532608Z |
Info |
GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher |
Unattended_Robot73 |
G3 --- Total Claims count is - 7 |
2023-04-17T09:59:20.2110636Z |
Info |
GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher |
Unattended_Robot73 |
G3 --- Total Claims count is - 35 |
| eval _raw="
timeStamp Level processName robotName message
2023-04-17T16:45:41.1960125Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 31
2023-04-17T16:44:16.8150041Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 3
2023-04-17T10:00:44.2792246Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 98
2023-04-17T10:00:21.3532608Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 7
2023-04-17T09:59:20.2110636Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 35"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table timeStamp Level processName robotName message
| rex field=message "--- Total Claims count is - (?<claimsCount>\d+)"
| eventstats sum(claimsCount) AS claimsCountTotal
| eval _raw="
timeStamp Level processName robotName message
2023-04-17T16:45:41.1960125Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 31
2023-04-17T16:44:16.8150041Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 3
2023-04-17T10:00:44.2792246Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 98
2023-04-17T10:00:21.3532608Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 7
2023-04-17T09:59:20.2110636Z Info GroupClaimsDispatcher_GroupClaimsDispatcher Unattended_Robot73 G3 --- Total Claims count is - 35"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table timeStamp Level processName robotName message
| rex field=message "--- Total Claims count is - (?<claimsCount>\d+)"
| eventstats sum(claimsCount) AS claimsCountTotal
Thanks! This worked perfectly 🙂
Thanks ITWhisperer - will give it a try 🙂 Much appreciated!
| rex field=message "Total Claims count is - (?<claims>\d+)"
| eventstats sum(claims) as total