Hey guys,
I'm trying to add the values that correspond to specific rows in a search, to then display on a dashboard (graph/pie graph).
For example, I have a table that returns as below:
Scenario count
"C2C Scenario 1" 1
"C2C Scenario 2" 2
"C2C Scenario 3" 3
"C2C Scenario 4N" 4
"C2C Scenario 4Y" 5
"C2C Scenario 5" 6
"C2C Scenario 6" 10
The above is currently returned using the below
index=ivr_app ("C4C Scenario")| rex "C2C Scenario (?
I want to have a sum of the count
"C2C Scenario 2" + "C2C Scenario 4Y" + "C2C Scenario 5" as "POSITIVE"
"C2C Scenario 1" + "C2C Scenario 3" + C2C Scenario 4N" + "C2C Scenario 6" as "NEGATIVE"
So end outcome would be a table that is
Scenario sum
The plan will then be to display the above in a pie graph.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again. Loving getting into this stuff but starting off a little slow.
If you dont have any common field to join them, you may try
index=ivr_app ("C4C Scenario")| rex "C2C Scenario (?\w+)"
| eval Scenario = "C2C Scenario"." ".Reason | stats count by Scenario
| stats sum(eval(if(Scenario=="C2C Scenario 2" OR Scenario=="C2C Scenario 4Y" OR Scenario=="C2C Scenario 5",count,null()))) as POSITIVE,
sum(eval(if(Scenario=="C2C Scenario 1" OR Scenario=="C2C Scenario 3" OR Scenario=="C2C Scenario 4N" OR Scenario=="C2C Scenario 6",count,null()))) as NEGATIVE
I'm pretty sure you're missing a stats ahead of the sum?
ofcourse 🙂 , updated