In addition to the `count(eval())` options with stats as have already been suggested, another option would be to create a field that classifies your events by the durations you're interested in... then stats count by that new field...
If you have the specific ranges that you're interested could use eval to construct a classifier, and then stats count by that classifier.
<base search>
| eval classifier=case(time<100, "<100", time<200, "<200", time<300, "<300", true(), ">=300" )
| stats count by classifier
Since you have a numeric field, you could use bin to make those classifiers instead:
<base search>
| bin time as classifier span=100
| stats count by classifier
And of course there are many other methods of creating a classifier field (single or multi-valued), but the downside to doing a simple by clause is of course is that if you don't have a particular expected range/classifier in your data, you simply won't have that particular range in your output, which depending on your use case may be alright, or may be a problem.
You could try stats with eval something like this , grouping them by time does not create a great pie chart you could still try it depends on number of data points, use | bin to bucket them before using by time.
index=star env=prod | searchTime > 100 | stats count(eval(searchTime>100)) as gt_100, count(eval(searchTime>200 AND searchTime<300)) as gt_200, count(eval(searchTime>300)) as gt_300
index=star env=prod |
chart count(eval(time <100)) AS "<100ms", count(eval(time >100 AND time <200)) AS "<200ms", count(eval(time >200 AND time <300)) AS "<300ms"
| stats count by time
try that query and select pie chart under visualizations.
Error in stats command: eval is invalid