If I am having list of comma separated numbers in single splunk event field:
I am having too many event fields like below,How Can I split these comma separated values and display them in table format I mentioned below?
Any suggestion here?
Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000872510,00000000000000872511,00000000000000872512,00000000000000872513,00000000000000872514,00000000000000872515,00000000000000872516,00000000000000872517,00000000000000872518,00000000000000872519,00000000000000872520,00000000000000872521,00000000000000872522,00000000000000872523,00000000000000872524,00000000000000872525,00000000000000872526,00000000000000872527,00000000000000872528,00000000000000872529,00000000000000872530,00000000000000872531,00000000000000872532,00000000000000872533
How Can I split thiese comma separated values and display them individually in table like:
.likewise till
Hi @gcusello & @bowesmana ,
Thanks for the prompt responses.
You both gave answers for static set of numbers. What if this set of field values are dynamically changing and combined with string as well.
In that case,How Can I separate this dynamic set of numbers from string and display them individually instead of comma separated in table format.
We crossed half of the solution,You already responded to split comma separated values and display them in table format.
I need to solution for below two case:
1. What if this set of numbers are dynamically logging into splunk using one fields(MessageText)?
2. These dynamic set of numbers combined with text like(Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction 🙂 in the field (MessageText).How can I separate only numbers and display them in above mentioned format like:
instead of 00000000000000872510,00000000000000872511,00000000000000872512,00000000000000872513,00000000000000872514 (these set of numbers are not static keeps on changing for each transaction and logging into splunk as individual event in (message text) field.)
The split command is not for a static set of numbers, it will split whatever 'dynamic' numbers you have, whether that is
so perhaps you can give a clearer example of what your data might look like so we can understand what you mean by dynamic.
Are you trying to say that you have a single field called MessageText that may have
and you want to extract all numeric sequences from it?
If so, give some examples of what the data will look like, so we can work out a suitable matching/extraction pattern
The pattern may be:
Sequence Numbers:00000000000000872510,00000000000000872511,00000000000000872512,00000000000000872513,00000000000000872514
I need to extract only numbers without comma and display them in table like:
Hello @bowesmana
All number's are Numeric only
message text fields from 1st event:
Sequence numbers
message text fields from 2nd event:
Sequence numbers
From the logs 00000000000000872517 was missing so need to check missing of sequence
that is condition actually..
just need to check number is to be correct format ( one by one) or if its not correct need to throw alerts
please suggest using regex expression for this issue,
Below query i can able take first value from mentioned logs(events)
| rex field= cip: Audit Message . Message Text"\D+(?<Sequence Number>\d+)"
| table Sequence Number
Output :
but i need whole sequence number in statistic table one by one,
Hope u understood
Thanks in advance
I suspect also that you did not post your message text field, as that rex statement would not produce the results you gave due to \D+
Can you post your message text field completely
I'm confused ... why have you not just done
| eval "Sequence Number"=split('Message Text', ",")
| table Sequence Number
as advised earlier? Substitute the actual field name for Message Text above
Are all these numbers in a single field or part of a larger raw event. Assuming these are in a single field in the event, then simply
| eval numbers=split(your_big_long_numbers_field, ",")
which will make a new field called numbers which will contain a multivalue field with all your split numbers in.
If you then want to make a new row for each of those numbers, use
| mvexpand numbers
Hello @gcusello Thanks for your approach,
I appreciate it , and i have another question ,
if number's are Dynamic mean's how we can split comma separated values and display them individually in table
Hi @Kingsly007,
please, next time, open a new question, even if on the same topic: you'll have a faster and probably better answer to your question!
in addition, at the end of the analysis, you can accept the answer and give more information for the other people of Community.
Anyway, could you better describe what you mean with "Dynamic"?
if you have comma divided values, the number of them isn't relevant.
Could you share a sample of your logs?
Hello @gcusello ,
Regarding as per Subject,
Sequence number will be differ on every transaction log's ,
so how can we write log's for
Values are all Dynamic ( not a same numbers on every transaction's)
Every transaction logs( sequence number is different )
1 to n(last number) if missed any number's between 1 to N,
can you help on this, really thanks in advance
Hi @Kingsly007,
Anyway, it's still not clear what you mean with "Dynamic"?
if you have comma divided values, the number of them isn't relevant.
Could you share a sample of your logs?
<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T04:45:02.212Z</Create Timestamp>
<Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875119,00000000000000875120,00000000000000875121,00000000000000875122,00000000000000875123,00000000000000875124</Message Text>
<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T03:45:02.083Z</Create Timestamp>
<Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875115,00000000000000875116,00000000000000875117,00000000000000875118</Message Text>
<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T02:45:01.909Z</Create Timestamp> <Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875114</Message Text>
<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T01:45:02.703Z</Create Timestamp> <Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875112,00000000000000875113</Message Text>
Your logs look like compliant XML. I am guessing that you already have the field "Message Text". If so, you can apply @bowesmana's technique
| eval SequenceNumber = mvindex(split('Message Text', " : "), 1)
| eval SequenceNumber = split(SequenceNumber, ",")
| mvexpand SequenceNumber
(Replace 'Message Text' with MessageText if that's the field name.) Your sample logs should give you something like
SequenceNumber | _time |
00000000000000875119 | 2023-08-30 21:45:02.212 |
00000000000000875120 | 2023-08-30 21:45:02.212 |
00000000000000875121 | 2023-08-30 21:45:02.212 |
00000000000000875122 | 2023-08-30 21:45:02.212 |
00000000000000875123 | 2023-08-30 21:45:02.212 |
00000000000000875124 | 2023-08-30 21:45:02.212 |
00000000000000875115 | 2023-08-30 20:45:02.083 |
00000000000000875116 | 2023-08-30 20:45:02.083 |
00000000000000875117 | 2023-08-30 20:45:02.083 |
00000000000000875118 | 2023-08-30 20:45:02.083 |
00000000000000875114 | 2023-08-30 19:45:01.909 |
00000000000000875112 | 2023-08-30 18:45:02.703 |
00000000000000875113 | 2023-08-30 18:45:02.703 |
Here is an emulation that you can play with and compare with real data
| makeresults
| eval data = split("<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T04:45:02.212Z</Create Timestamp>
<Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875119,00000000000000875120,00000000000000875121,00000000000000875122,00000000000000875123,00000000000000875124</Message Text>
<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T03:45:02.083Z</Create Timestamp>
<Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875115,00000000000000875116,00000000000000875117,00000000000000875118</Message Text>
<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T02:45:01.909Z</Create Timestamp>
<Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875114</Message Text>
<Create Timestamp>2023-08-31T01:45:02.703Z</Create Timestamp>
<Message Text>Sequence Numbers processed during this transaction : 00000000000000875112,00000000000000875113</Message Text>", "
| mvexpand data
| rename data as _raw
| spath
| rename "Create./Create.Message" AS "Message Text"
| eval _time = strptime(Create, "%FT%H:%M:%S.%3Q%Z")
| rename Create AS "Create Timestamp"
``` data emulation above ```
One more question , How Can I put logic to find missing number in this sequence of dynamically changing numbers:
It has no logic except it increase one by one.Is there any way to build logic for this increase by one number and Need to trigger an alert if it not increase by one- which indicates number missed.
In this case 00000000000000875117 is missing
Assuming you have already extracted Message Text into a field called MessageText, try this
| rex field=MessageText max_match=0 "(?<SequenceNumber>\d+)"
| mvexpand SequenceNumber
| table SequenceNumber
Hello @ITWhisperer & @bowesmana & @yuanliu ,
One more question , How Can I put logic to find missing number in this sequence of dynamically changing numbers:
It has no logic except it increase one by one. Is there any way to build logic for this increase by one number and Need to trigger an alert if it not increase by one- which indicates number missed.
In this case 00000000000000875117 is missing
Try something like this
| rex field=MessageText max_match=0 "(?<SequenceNumber>\d+)"
| table SequenceNumber
| eval fullSequence = mvrange(tonumber(mvindex(SequenceNumber,0)),tonumber(mvindex(SequenceNumber,-1))+1)
| eval missing=mvmap(fullSequence,if(isnull(mvfind(SequenceNumber,fullSequence)),fullSequence,NULL()))
Hi @Naga1,
please try the approach of my example:
| makeresults
| eval my_field="00000000000000872510,00000000000000872511,00000000000000872512,00000000000000872513,00000000000000872514,00000000000000872515,00000000000000872516,00000000000000872517,00000000000000872518,00000000000000872519,00000000000000872520,00000000000000872521,00000000000000872522,00000000000000872523,00000000000000872524,00000000000000872525,00000000000000872526,00000000000000872527,00000000000000872528,00000000000000872529,00000000000000872530,00000000000000872531,00000000000000872532,00000000000000872533"
| makemv delim="," my_field
| fields - _time
| mvexpand my_field