We have a scenario where we have many domains and we want to split it accordingly . Any advice would be great help .
-> product: osb
-> environment: tid
-> region: test
-> segment: corp
-> product: osb
-> environment: tid
-> region: us
-> segment: proc
-> product: bpel
-> environment: tid
-> region: us
-> segment: cvs
Are you looking for a rex
call? Your question isn't really clear on that.
... | rex field=domain "^(?:(?<region>[^_]+)_)?(?<segment>[^_]+)_(?<product>[^_]+)_(?<environment>[^_]+)$" | eval region = coalesce(region, "us") | ...
I am able to extract these fields using lookup.
Regex are the way to go for extracting parts of a string.
Lookups add fields to an event based on some matching fields, similar to an SQL join.
Do we have any other solution apart from regex? like lookups. I need to pull the values from log and split the string.
<Jul 25, 2014 9:51:25 AM MYT> <Error> <WliSbCustomResources> <aussoaditapp12.us.dell.com> <apj_corp1_osb_dit_ms2>