I am using below query in my Dashboard
index="deng03-cis-dev-audit" | spath PATH=data.labels.verbose_message output=verbose_message | eval serviceName = mvindex(split(index, "-"), 1)."-".mvindex(split(host, "-"), 2) |search "data.labels.activity_type_name"="ViolationOpenEventv1" | where (verbose_message like "%Oldest unacked message age%evt%" or verbose_message like "%Oldest unacked message age%rec%") | eval error=case(like(verbose_message,"%above the threshold of 1800.000%"), "warning", like(verbose_message,"%above the threshold of 300.000%"), "failure") | stats values(serviceName) as serviceName count(eval(error=="failure")) as failureCount count(eval(error=="warning")) as warningCounttimechart
I want to show to line chart for failureCount, warningCounttimechart by time, I tried appending timechart span=1d count by failureCount, warningCounttimechart, but of no use
Try changing
| stats values(serviceName) as serviceName count(eval(error=="failure")) as failureCount count(eval(error=="warning")) as warningCounttimechart
| timechart count by error
Thanks, it works, However I am doing like below
<search id="pubsubLatencyHighAckDelayDFBaseSearch">
<query>index="deng03-cis-dev-audit" | spath PATH=data.labels.verbose_message output=verbose_message | eval serviceName = mvindex(split(index, "-"), 1)."-".mvindex(split(host, "-"), 2) |search "data.labels.activity_type_name"="ViolationOpenEventv1" | where (verbose_message like "%Oldest unacked message age%evt%" or verbose_message like "%Oldest unacked message age%rec%") | eval error=case(like(verbose_message,"%above the threshold of 1800.000%"), "warning", like(verbose_message,"%above the threshold of 300.000%"), "failure") </query>
Now I want to append a line in below <row>
<title>STATS : SLI/SLO Dashboard count</title>
<search base="pubsubLatencyHighAckDelayDFBaseSearch"></search>
How can we append line in <search base="pubsubLatencyHighAckDelayDFBaseSearch"></search>?
Try changing
| stats values(serviceName) as serviceName count(eval(error=="failure")) as failureCount count(eval(error=="warning")) as warningCounttimechart
| timechart count by error