Hello All i have the below query which is based on a ping request running on the back end.
the data looks like this
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=64
sourcetype=pingr Server=
| stats avg(ms) as averages by Server
| fields - Server
| appendpipe
[ stats count
| eval averages=0
| where count==0
| fields - count ]
So the below server will give me a value of 0 if the server is actually of instead of no results are found. I was wondering if its possible to show a text like "Server is off" if the value of 0 is returned and show the actual value of the server is on. I have tried the if command with eval and it kind of works but any value other than 0 should show the correct value of average calculated earlier.
Is this possible? Any help is highly appreciated.
Generically, you can use an if statement like this: eval averages = if(count=0,"Server is off",averages)
. Such that if the count is not 0, it retains the original averages
But in your case, wouldn't it be a simple matter of changing the eval in the appendpipe
sourcetype=pingr Server=
| stats avg(ms) as averages by Server
| fields - Server
| appendpipe
[ stats count
| eval averages="Server is off"
| where count==0
| fields - count ]
Or am I completely misunderstanding this example query?
Generically, you can use an if statement like this: eval averages = if(count=0,"Server is off",averages)
. Such that if the count is not 0, it retains the original averages
But in your case, wouldn't it be a simple matter of changing the eval in the appendpipe
sourcetype=pingr Server=
| stats avg(ms) as averages by Server
| fields - Server
| appendpipe
[ stats count
| eval averages="Server is off"
| where count==0
| fields - count ]
Or am I completely misunderstanding this example query?
This is spot on. I never taught the other way around.
Glad it helped 🙂
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