I feel dumb for asking something so simple, but I can't make this work. I'm trying to show a percentage I've calculated as a piechart:
| dbxquery query=stuff | stats count(eval(Start_Date_Time >
End_Date_Time)) as breach count as total | eval percent=breach/total*100 | eval total=total/total*100 | chart max(percent) over total
As you can see, I calculated both the percent of events where the start time is greater than the end time, and the corresponding total, which, of course is 100%. All I need to do now is show it in a pie chart. I calculated the total percent due to the chart only showing a solid block of color for my percent. I was hoping that I could use it to show the percentage correctly, but I was wrong on that.
Also, I can't use top; I need to consider all the events, not just the top values.
Try this:
| dbxquery query=stuff
| stats count(eval(Start_Date_Time > End_Date_Time)) as breach count as total
| eval breach=100*breach/total
| eval non-breach=100-breach
| transpose
Try this:
| dbxquery query=stuff
| stats count(eval(Start_Date_Time > End_Date_Time)) as breach count as total
| eval breach=100*breach/total
| eval non-breach=100-breach
| transpose
This actually works very well. I just made a minor modification to get rid of the total field.
| dbxquery query=stuff
| stats count(eval(Start_Date_Time > End_Date_Time)) as breach count as total
| eval breach=100*breach/total
| eval non-breach=100-breach
| transpose
Now I'm just going to figure out how to show count with it. Thank you
If you don't do the percentage and just show raw values for breach
and non-breach
it should show both count and percent.
Pie chart requires a by-clause
| chart max(percent) by something
You don't even have to calculate the percent
This might work:
| stats max(breach) by _time
You need your data to end up with multiple rows and more than one column like this:
Then | stats max(breach_count) by hostname
would have a pie chart where the total is 100 and HostA would be 25% and HostB would be 75%.