Hi @Splunkers,
I created panel which give output based on multiselected fields, both are having different sources/index.
issue is:
Multiselect value has "A", "B", "C" and "All" values only. Panel is working for correctly based on selection.
When I selected "A+B+C" then it should be match with "ALL" selection. but ALL contains "A","B","C",......"Y","Z" values, because I put ALL="*" in input setting.
How can set token value filter the value for "ALL"?? which collect only "A" OR "B" OR "C" not "*"
Can you explain what is the purpose of token4, why you need it in the first place? Based on your match logic, there should a million ways to do whatever you need to do using just token3 (with help from token1 and token2 if they are real user selections). Can you give an example in which $token4$ is used that cannot be accomplished without?
To set token3 with dynamic values is quite easy. Here is a test dashboard to test this idea
<form version="1.1">
<label>test multiselection</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<!-- other inputs -->
<input type="multiselect" token="token3" searchWhenChanged="false">
<query>| from datamodel:"aa"
| search Unit="$token1$" noteName="$token2$"|stats count by name
| eval value=name
| append
[| from datamodel:"aa"
| search Unit="$token1$" noteName="$token2$"
| stats values(name) as value
| eval name = "All"]
<title>show token3</title>
<query>| makeresults
| eval token3 = "$token3$"
| fields - _time</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
With this, no matter how many distinct names you have, selector "All" will include them all.
Hi @yuanliu ,
Thank you for being with me for technical support and solutions.
I changed my approach to solve this issue by filtering using join before data came in to multiselect field.
It resolved my issue.
You can change your search term from equality to member of, i.e., from field=$mytoken$ to field IN $mytoken$. In multi selection input, use "(" and prefix, ")" as postfix, and "," as delimiter.
Hi @yuanliu ,
Thank you for feedback for more clarity i used below code in my dashboard.
<input type="multiselect" token="token3" searchWhenChanged="false">
<delimiter> OR </delimiter>
<query>| from datamodel:"aa"
| search Unit="$token1$" noteName="$token2$"|stats values(name) as name
| mvexpand name</query>
<choice value="*">ALL</choice>
<set token="tokSPL">TRUE</set>
<unset token="form.token4"></unset>
<condition match="'value'=="*"">
<set token="tokSPL">All values</set>
<set token="form.token4">*</set>
It's working fine expect ALL selection.
Now I am trying to set new token4 based on selection. But its not working!!....
Let me know if I am going in right direction. or Any change required.
Thanks in advance.
Without knowing how $token3$, $tokSPL$, and $token4$ are being used in the dashboard, it is hard to decipher what the snippet is meant to be. So, here I illustrate an example where token3 can be set to any of
But you cannot use $token3$ in equality comparison. Any search involving $token3$ in the dashboard must be in the form of
fieldname IN ($token3$)
<input type="multiselect" token="token3" searchWhenChanged="false">
<query>| from datamodel:"aa"
| search Unit="$token1$" noteName="$token2$"|stats values(name) as name
| mvexpand name</query>
<choice value=""A","B","C"">ALL</choice>
<set token="tokSPL">TRUE</set>
<unset token="form.token4"></unset>
<condition match="'value' = "\"A\",\"B\",\"C\""">
<set token="tokSPL">All values</set>
<set token="form.token4">*</set>
Hope this helps
Hi Again @yuanliu ,
Thanks. selection values are dynamic based on token1, roken2.
I can not set as static including OR. it can be more than 5 values or1 value depending upon the token2.
is it possible to set token when its value "*". can we evaluate search again and set it to token when someone select ALL??
Can you explain what is the purpose of token4, why you need it in the first place? Based on your match logic, there should a million ways to do whatever you need to do using just token3 (with help from token1 and token2 if they are real user selections). Can you give an example in which $token4$ is used that cannot be accomplished without?
To set token3 with dynamic values is quite easy. Here is a test dashboard to test this idea
<form version="1.1">
<label>test multiselection</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<!-- other inputs -->
<input type="multiselect" token="token3" searchWhenChanged="false">
<query>| from datamodel:"aa"
| search Unit="$token1$" noteName="$token2$"|stats count by name
| eval value=name
| append
[| from datamodel:"aa"
| search Unit="$token1$" noteName="$token2$"
| stats values(name) as value
| eval name = "All"]
<title>show token3</title>
<query>| makeresults
| eval token3 = "$token3$"
| fields - _time</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
With this, no matter how many distinct names you have, selector "All" will include them all.
Hi @yuanliu ,
Thank you so much let me check your solution if it resolved any way.
Otherwise i will try to explain token4 and issue.